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“One thing history teaches us is that we do not learn from history.”
– Hegel

“The key to victory lies more in manipulation and cooperation than in exceptional personal skills.”
– Yuval Noah Harari (WEF scholar admitting to collusion)

The mRNA injections, marketed to governments as “COVID19 vaccines,” represent a step toward transhumanism through manipulation (Roe 2023c).  Pharmaceutical firms went to tremendous lengths to ensure that the public was deceived at every stage of the process.  This is to the point that any scholarly search on disinformation or misinformation in relation to COVID yields pro-government and pro-corporation propaganda that is blatantly against alternative media and pro-censorship (Santos 2021, Balcaen 2023).  Life-saving treatments have been rejected, insulted, derided, suppressed, and censured, without explanation and since the very beginning of the COVID-19 scam.

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This was due to the fact that the purpose was not treatment, but the “vaccines” themselves.  These medications were rushed through the FDA approval process as rapidly as possible while the media deliberately obscured truth, such as the fact they involve “gene therapy,” as so-called.  Pharmaceutical companies are aggressively developing new gene therapies to address the negative effects that these original mRNA injections caused in the first place, including cardiac damage (Zangi 2021).  They criminally decided to use the term “vaccine,” which is not actually correct, since these are simply gene therapy injections.


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Without delaying, admitting responsibility, highlighting the link, or even offering an apology, big pharmaceuticals act above the law and took steps with healthcare that they fully recognised were careless, since everything is profit in their self-awarded lottery.  From the perspective of big pharma, however, if they did not do this now, then some other pharmaceutical company might profit instead later.  More importantly, however, this needed to happen before the populace became more educated on transhumanism and all potential risks.  They, the media, and government officials all refuse to accept responsibility.  Damage was done already, which is good for them because they profit from the outcome.  Nobody is being held accountable.  This is in perfect alignment with the “broken window fallacy” that underpins the Keynesian case for central banking and inflation (Roe 2024b).

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The plan was to utilise the concept of scheduled medicines with unproven inoculations as an excuse to normalise genetic engineering before any societal debates could develop.  Even now, they advertise “miracle” remedies based on mRNA injections for the identical conditions that the original mRNA injections caused.  Corporations will revel in the glory of numerous marvels while steadily killing off and chemically neutering the public at a rate slow enough to be explained by propaganda and eventually passed off as good.

The practice of depopulation has already been codified, and the effects have been applauded.  What is “nice” about this bioengineering timetable in the population is that it allows the elite to cull specific populations or genes that are not beneficial to them.  The Plandemic will always be the external justification for this secret bioengineering genocide and corporate “eugenics” agenda.

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They misled the public from the start, claiming that the “vaccines” were not an example of genetic engineering (Roe 2024c).  They didn’t want the people to make an informed decision, but rather an emotional one based on authority and shame.  The world’s biggest banking corporations banded together to make it difficult for humanity to reject the early stages of transhumanism.  This is their goal, and they will murder, lie, and deceive to achieve it.


The wealthiest powers in all nations appear to have colluded in the agenda.  Unfortunately, because far too few people have ever organised politically, they have no idea where to begin and the political systems allow few filtered avenues of entrance.  Aside from corporate infrastructure and media superstars, the citizenry is utterly devoid of leadership.  Everyone can see the blatant lies in this “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” and “everyday” risk of blood clots, with careless “fact checking” mocking the populace over a “non-disease” used to explain sudden deaths in young people (Spencer 2022).  Dystopia arrived.


Everyone who has been injured by these injections is now forced onto the dole.  If you have myocarditis, you must now participate in their mRNA trials if you want to live longer.  Big pharma now have a captive testing population that cannot speak out or resist.  How many people are willing to give up the chance to obtain 20 more years of life from Pfizer by waging an uphill legal battle against them?  Despite the overwhelming rate of “adverse” reactions, the corporatist apparatus continues to promote these same gateway injections.  Given that the only long-term immunity imparted throughout the Plandemic was legal, we can only assume that these adverse effects were the primary goal.

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Adversity will compel survivors to seek the next mRNA technique, and then the one after that for the reactions to that.  This evil system now offers a reality in which individuals are entirely dependent on companies from cradle to termination.  The vampires bare their teeth as they respond to arguments for bodily autonomy continue with allegations of insane “hesitancy” on the part of the sceptical (CPSO 2022), despite the legitimate pandemic of “vaccine” injuries (Greene 2022).  The word “hesitant” is specially selected as well for the implication of eventual acquiescence or the necessity of conformance.

The entire purpose of the COVID-19 psychological operation was to compel the normalisation of genetic engineering before society had a chance to have an honest discussion about all potentialities.  They did this because they knew the conversation would not be controllable.  They have successfully blackmailed plenty of people already into their mRNA-exposed populations, who now have less of an ability to argue against transhumanism.  When these folks get myocarditis or blood clots, ‘all the better’ because mRNA “therapies” for all of these disorders will be available at your nearest pharmacy soon (Servick 2020).  This is profiteering on a scale no other criminal organisations have ever dared to dream in all of history.  Nobody should be concerned, however, for these criminal pharmaceutical cartels who have humanity by the literal testicles have only the best of intentions for humanity, and can be trusted to make everyone superhuman (Smedley 2021).  Surely, they would have no reason to continue these genocides in which they are currently engaged.


We have not had the required debates about transhumanist technologies.  Historically, those nations have failed that do not analyse issues before taking action.  These are the kinds of debates that should be had in regard to all levels of society, not just at the highest.  Are the possible benefits genuinely greater than the risks?  Is not the issue with this fabricated pandemic, this Plandemic, a glimpse into the true level of corporate misconduct buried beneath the surface of corporate malfeasance?  They do not desire for you to be knowledgeable, intelligent, educated, or powerful.  They want you to be self-obsessed, quiet, fragile, taciturn, submissive, foolish, and easily entertained.

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The challenge now is to demand action from all levels of government, even down to associations of homeowners.  Consider school governance.  Speak with officials at the county, regional, state, national, and international levels.  Your opinion is important.  They are supposed to represent you, not some fictitious international trademark.  Creating a spectacle and leaving impressions in the minds of others is a powerful tactic that our adversaries have employed to great advantage.  In these dark times, the aim is to leave a bright and positive impression which can be associated with resistance to transhumanism.  This necessitates going against the corporations themselves, in head to head confrontation (Roe 2024a).  Challenge executives, and push back where you can.  People must see others speaking out about this disaster before they will feel secure speaking out in their own lives and communities.  Most crucial, plan ahead of time, and always maintain dignity.  Create alternative institutions, and use friend networks to collaborate on something better than dead-end corporate careers.  It is often true that people do not recognise the gravity of a situation until it has been validated by a sufficient number of others.  It is your job to be part of that sufficient number of others.


Balcaen, P., Buts, C., Bois, C. D., & Tkacheva, O. (2023).  The effect of disinformation about COVID-19 on consumer confidence: Insights from a survey experiment.  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics102, 101968.  doi:10.1016/j.socec.2022.101968
CPSO. (2022).  COVID-19 FAQs for Physician.  College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).

Greene, J. (2022, October 12).  New data is out on COVID vaccine injury claims.  What’s to make of it?  Reuters

Roe, M. A. (2024a).  Cooperate! series.  _24K Journal of Virtues Science.

_Roe, M. A. (2024b).  Excess Teenage Rebellion and Inflation – Proposing Twin Theories of Generational Panic and Lifestyle Deterioration Signalling. _24K Journal of Virtues Science.

Roe, M. A. (2024c).  Manipudemic – COVID-19, Genetic Engineering, Mathematical Impossibilities, and Word Games. _24K Journal of Virtues Science.

Santos, M. L. R., Paim, M. C., Soares, C. L. M., Santos, D. M., Sande, R. S., & Santos, G. R. de M.  (2022).  Government actions to address the disinformation crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Saúde Em Debate45, 187–204.  doi:10.1590/0103-11042021e213

Servick, K. (2020) Messenger RNA gave us a COVID-19 vaccine.  Will it treat diseases, too?.  Science

Smedley, T. (2021).  Could mRNA make us superhuman?.  BBC – Change Agents

Spencer, S. H. (2022, June 16).  Posts Baselessly Link Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome to COVID-19 Vaccines.  FactCheck.Org

Zangi, L., Kaundal, R. K., Kaur, K., Zangi, L., Kaundal, R. K., & Kaur, K.  (2021).  Gene Therapy for Heart Disease: Modified mRNA Perspectives.  In Cardiomyopathy—Disease of the Heart Muscle.  IntechOpen.  doi:10.5772/intechopen.97184