

The tragedy of the modern era in Western Civilisation can be summed up as the ‘denial of Spirit.’ Material overabundance has been confused for genuine stability, which is impossible for populations actively in such denial. Psychotic garbage is forced upon the population instead of the elevational and culturally uplifting. Media is lost in a hellscape of degenerate depression skulking in hyper-ironic apathy. In exchange for a life of corporate servitude, the masses are fed proxified consolations for any ethical contradictions, by a false sense of progress through deconstruction of useful standards.

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We are all fundamentally damaged people, living now in the West. We must realise this. This can be determined true because the elites are doing everything short of frying us with enormous magnifying glasses. This is not true because of anything intrinsically wrong with people in the West. It is because the West is suffering from the equivalent of cultural neurotoxins, drowning out thought and disabling the minds of children before they ever have the chance to be the leaders of tomorrow or a force for good within their culture.


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A person is born into this World seeking out material gain rather than spiritual. These are the things that are experienced from day to day, the ravages of the dull material, the mundane. From the beginning one uses stability to appease the animalistic urges and seek moving pleasures, serving nothing but childish impulses. This is largely based upon an inability to be alone with one’s own thoughts. Though it is ridiculed, it is common and not their fault. Time alone with one’s own thoughts and beliefs is sheer agony if these are founded in simply avoiding pain and seeking hedonistic pleasures. They then attach these feeling of pleasures with the avoidance, thereby rewarding it and drawing the self down into the materialistic. Human beings are very adept at avoiding pain, though generally not actively and deeply thinking at the same time.

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Ironically, the appropriate thoughts can best help people avoid pain, most especially for those who generally avoid thinking. People love to talk about themselves, though usually in hopes others will blindly support their actions. However other people are also only interested in their self, so they will comply, and say what they think the talker wants to hear. Talking passively about the things affecting oneself, rather than thinking critically, reaffirms the underlying avoidance. This is the primary reason that mental health therapy is popular and in demand.

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When a person achieves a higher level of spiritual progress, they may begin to think themselves outside of this dynamic, however other people still rely upon them and all the more with the progress. Due dates remain and consequences are real. Legitimate stressors should goad a person to action and not cause overreaction. These situations cannot be ignored, however they should be managed and not allowed to overwhelm the mind. This is the equivalent of opening one’s eyes for the first time. After the wonder of brightness and clarity wears off, eventually one sees how dirty everything is, metaphorically speaking this is how imperfect the World is. Rather than depressing, this is testament to the amazing things accomplished in it.

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Through spiritual progress, a person realises their worry over the extrinsic things need not be so awful, and so they will seek to detach from the materialistic corporate mechanisms. They seek stability for self and family while being sustained through local subsistence outside lockstep with industrial food consumerism. The best stability, however, is won through the advancement of love. Executed opportunities to move toward love are identical with the achievement of immanent stability, of which cultural and community contributions might someday nobly reflect. Stability from within, rather than simply materialistic security, offers a mental resilience the likes of which no other type of strength can match.


The highest expression of moving toward love is accomplished through cultural contributions. Most especially in those ideas and artforms used to guide further cultural advancement. Within the higher arts that are found tendencies to elevate the human spirit and encourage growth. This sort of culture is necessary, as civilisation cannot persist and grow without it. The loss of this level of high culture implies the steady deconstruction of the society.

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It can certainly be said that the culture of the West has been in decline since the loss of focus upon high society and the arts expressive of reality, which is to say generative thought devoid of delusion or psychotic notions. Modern arts, quite conversely, surrender all notions of reason or rationality, instead opting for essentially demonic hallucinations. This was done because broken people are easier to control, and the powers-that-be will not hand over any power to people they cannot control. People who are genuine artists and contributors to high culture are not so easily controlled. The entire apparatus of popular art was turned away from high art and pushed into the frame of common contributions and racket.


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One who devotes time to the study of the masters in any given art, to mimic their technique, could not expect any renown for such an accomplishment. Such a one will not find promotion, rather they are ignored every time. Art based in realitistic beauty, which must subsist of promise with reason being highest, is utterly neglected. Instead insanity is promoted as art and then sold off and donated to museums for tax breaks. This is a game in which realistic beauty plays no part besides being used as blackmail. In such a World, a genuinely talented artist may find an art gallery to house their work for a time, but will not be acclaimed.

The paths to highest spiritual contributions have been, mostly, cut off in the West, replaced with garbage heaps of worthless literature, trash music, pornography, and other meaningless ‘arts.’ Cultures no longer exist around the greater musical forms of Baroque, Classicism, or Romanticism in which to contribute. These most elevational and uplifting musical forms have been actively superseded by music encouraging the most base of materialistic urges and moving pleasures.


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Instead of reason being promoted through the culture and artforms, Western Civilisation now have delusions, psychoticism, and animalistic impulses. This is also done on purpose, because people are easier to control if they are guided toward materialism and nonsensical fictions that teach false morality. However, promoting these kinds of false industries based in control, allow them to become super-exploitive generally. People practised in exploitations will know no bounds, because if some exploitations are morally permissible then other forms must be too. This will be covered with far greater detail in future articles of 24K Journal.


Of course, this is not helped by a society that justifies and promotes alcoholism, drug abuse, self-obsession in individualistic differentialism, and onanism; only a society in the throes of being destroyed could allow the promotion of such masturbatory activities that do not help it one iota. It is also unfortunate that in all this turmoil, many of those who have best guarded themselves from the nonsense did so through avoidance to the point of perfecting only moderation. There are two basic paths for a society: progress or destruction. The latter is not actually an option, but rather a figure of apathy. People can choose to either contribute to civilisation or not, but some people have less of an excuse in nature than they presuppose, because the programming and undermining runs deep.

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Stability is only possible with moderation through Reason. This can be accomplished in two ways: through training response in elevation or avoidance of creation in retreat, both techniques being similar in ways to radical acceptance, with elevation closer to a “radical presence.” Radical presence allows a person to push through and confront whatever comes forward, most especially inwardly. Retreat is not a denial of Spirit, but rather a fear of unknowns driving constant escape responses. By training response rather than avoiding, we may modify behaviour and thereby also challenge wrong beliefs through the analysis process.

Denial of Spirit, on the other hand, cannot be overcome in this way because it is an internal rejection of connection to the Divine Mind from which all the greatest gifts in life derive. These gifts recommend highest purpose. Believing all experience is an unimportant series of events as defined by electrical stimuli is precisely mistaking the shadows for the light. It is seeing the patterns of larger or smaller things as evidence of purely purposeless mechanism. Denial of Spirit therefore disables the highest purpose, which also disallows the deeper levels of moderation. This denial pervades all interactions, not simply with divinity but also morality. Morality becomes flexible and open to interpretation, muddied by a mechanistic and materialistic worldview that cannot encompass a greater purpose than simple individualistic gain, let alone the highest purpose.