

“None of the actual virtues… are valuable for the purposes of corporations.”


Corporatism encourages favoured sins to the public, and most especially to the corporate labour pool, disguised as virtues in order to dominate and maximise profit off them. None of the actual virtues (Roe 2023b), least of which those basic to honesty, are valuable for the purposes of corporations. Envy, disdain, and hubris, while valuable to corporations, also stall genuine cooperation of labour, making workers less cohesive and easier to manipulate.

With the spread of these sins organisationally, social interactions become obsessively oriented to the particular, instead of toward the universal in coordination. This state allows moral considerations to be ignored.  Generally, people are incapable of absolute honesty without some role model, present or known through literature, on whom they may focus. This is why Pythagoras required five years of silence from initiates, and Christ required them to be humble.

As seen in Figure 1 and Figure 2, republished from Structural Virtues Theory (Roe 2023c), the sins of the conceit aspect are the outward manifestations of more immanent corruptions.  As this internalised sin deepens, the outward presentation magnifies and sharpens to a cutting edge, so that they are mistaken for virtues, albeit corrupted.  This is because those exuding them achieve a materialistic success, especially within society captured by extractive institutions.

The sins of amnesis (forgetfulness), disdain, obsession, and hubris are falsely represented as “pragmatism,” “self-righteousness,” “drive,” and “self-confidence,” respectively.  They mirror their internal counterparts of procrastination, cowardice, corruption, and absolutism.  In a society enslaved by corporations, these are the only so-called virtues that are glorified.

False Pragmatism of Amnesis

The ability to forget is most fundamental for sin.  This allows a person to ignore their problems and transgressions.  Sinning is easier to do as the person forgets who they are and their purpose, resorting to procrastination.  Procrastination is a very internalised process, that allows a person to disown their failures.

A person with Elevational Motive (EM) (Roe 2023b) uses failures for greater self-understanding.  A psychopathic apathy develops in those who hone amnesis to maximise sin, while pretending it is something akin to pragmatism.  Corporations thrive in amnesis and its resultant amoral “pragmatism.”

Confusion of Sins and Virtues

Self-Righteousness of Disdain

Disdain allows for the continuation of amnesis by diverting attention toward the imperfections of others.  It stems from a fear of confronting difficult truths about the self.  A person so predisposed to this cowardice detects elements of sameness in the objects of disdain.  No better euphemism is possible than self-righteousness.  The reaction is a comfort-preserving temporary revulsion initiated to assuage the deeper shame.

The advanced in this material skill ignorantly present themselves as agents of a progress informed by bald-faced corporate profiteering, as well as social engineering.  It is the hypocrisy of which all humanity has been guilty, in the shadows of amnesis, at ignorant conceit.  Airs of superiority are very much in vogue.  The most accurate mascot for corporatism would be an anthropomorphic representation of disdain.

False Drive of Obsession

Obsessions, if profitable or non-threatening to corporate overlords, are acceptable in a slave society.  If a distraction is profitable then the obsessed person is called “driven.” If a distraction is simply non-threatening, it is called a “hobby.” If somebody obsesses about the potential for corporate power to be exploited toward evil, sinful, or harmful ends, they are considered crazy.

This is simply because the person poses a threat to the exploitation of the invested power, for evil and selfish ends.  Such people are subversive and dangerous to the corporations that capture governments.  In reality, obsessions mount with the confusion of corruption, and not only through the disinformation and lies.  This is because distractions become ever more important mechanisms of temporary escape from the intensifying personal, moral, and societal degradations.

False Self-Confidence of Hubris

Hubris is conceit aspect response to fear.  This is a reaction of false confidence closer to preemptory disdain for anything outside the self.  Absolutism is the immanent backbone of hubris, also based in fear.

Hubris, in presentation as an exaggerated ego, is the materialistic skill proving internal acceptance of sins in false roles as virtues.  It attends an unwillingness to recognise actual virtues as anything more than pompous pretending, a constantly ready self-projection.  The default hubristic reaction to legitimate superiority is frantic hatred.  Supernational mega-corporations are the living embodiment of hubris as they edge out smaller businesses known to be fairer and better fitting for the needs of community.

“Obsessions, if profitable or non-threatening to corporate overlords, are acceptable in a slave society.  If a distraction is profitable then the obsessed person is called ‘driven.'”


Corporate captured servants sell their most precious possession on this Earth to mindless profit engines.  They are unnerved by the sight of legitimate virtues, mistaken for eccentricities.  These people are sadly trapped in the spiral of materiality.  This mental state forces the mistake of true excellence as self-hype or tricks, which they have no choice but to hypocritically reject in confusion (Roe 2023b).

As can be seen, these are the sins sold as virtues to an audience in awe of the “success” of these extractive entities, and the “geniuses” at their helm.  These sins are enshrined in the framework of the corporatist cultural memetic infection as instrumental, and exemplified by the manipulated executives themselves much as historically and especially with high mortality industries (Roe 2023a).  The next article will explore how the demoralisation described above sustains the corporatist hierarchy.

The next article in the series will be available at this link:


Roe, M. A. (2023a).  Little Boots on the Beach – How Organisational Mortality Invites Autocratic Corruption.  24k Journal of Virtues Science.  Series 01 Issue 01

Roe, M. A. (2023b).  Resurrexit Spiritus part 3 – Resurrexit Theory – The Dualist Expansion of Structural Phenomenology.   24k Journal of Virtues Science.

Roe, M. A. (2023c).  Structural Virtues Theory – The Dozen Skills in Reason – Resurrexit Spiritus part 5.   24k Journal of Virtues Science.