

24K Journal of Virtues Science – Four articles on leadership, gratitude, the virtue of excellence, and part 2 on the corporate promotion of profitable sins as virtues.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the second issue of 24K Journal of Virtues Science!

Our World continues to be shaken by war, amid tremendous economic downturn. It is difficult for many to stay informed of World events at the same time as attending to mental health. We are surrounded by manipulation and death. The biggest manipulation currently is to do with the corporate and banking elite pretending that all this death in the last 5 years is not connected. Interestingly, and despite different ideologies in the wars going on now, all actors support the narrative of COVID-19 and the jabs. That is very telling, in and of itself. Despite the complete embarrassment of the West over jab-related deaths, Putin remains silent. All sides remain silent regarding these failures, because they are all part of the same anti-human corporatist structure.

We need more honesty generally, and we need more people striving toward virtues, rather than death and destruction.

This issue contains four amazing articles to do with virtues and leading a good life! The first article regards Cincinnatus, a contrast to Caligula from last issue. Cincinnatus is the famously humble temporary dictator of ancient Rome, so the article discusses the limitations of leadership. Gratitude, as a vital emotion in the development of virtues, is the topic of the second article. Article three carries that conversation forward and delivers it up to excellence, the fulcrum virtue into the higher order of more internal virtues. Finally, the fourth article continues one of the series from last issue, explaining how corporations promote profitable sins, but disguised as virtues.

Live Well,
Dr. Roe
24K Journal of Virtues Science
Online ISSN: 2994-5844
Print ISSN: 2994-5836
AuraPura Publishing

PS This issue can be accessed at here: https://24k.cc/issue/202310-s1i2/ or in EPUB format, here: https://24K.cc/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-October-24K-Journal-of-Virtues-Science.epub

All Articles ©2022-2023 24K Journal of Virtues Science and Dr. Marcus Roe




Statue of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, Roman Statesman Which Cincinnati Was Named After and the Arches Overlook. Cincinnati, Ohio waterfront park..jpg

“What remains under consideration is how Cincinnatus, the early Republic, and the other examples, cultures, and structures of governance will be considered in future decisions of how human beings will live in a globally connected commercial, technological, and cultural world…
In Rome’s movement away from a republic, Livy led a first century B.C. revival through the Cincinnatus example. To communicate Roman virtue through the ancient legends to his age, Livy faced a project similar to the one faced by the United States’ founders; he quarried history in a study of models and men to either emulate or avoid so as to forestall the ‘dangers of avarice, luxury, and passion.’ Used in the Livy project to describe the ideal citizen-soldier model for a new generation, Cincinnatus was a spark intended to ignite a renewal in traditional Roman values.” – Michael J. Hillyard from Cincinnatus and the Citizen-Servant Ideal: The Roman Legend’s Life, Times, and Legacy

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“He laid down his sword and returned to farming.”

The majority of the population, in any society, are taken by lust for material power, ephemeral as it is in its various forms to do with physical pleasures. These needful illusions also disable the moral capacity of those who strive for more of such power, once acquired, always falsely. This is because the people typically capable of achieving this false power in the material World are those who strive most for it. Such strivers after false power must naturally be blind to the deeper aspects of reality and true power. Many who demonstrate virtues may still have residual success in the material, however only at the expense of ignoring many evils surrounding them.


Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was ordained dictator of Rome at his rural farm as he was changing out of his dirty farming clothes and into the formal toga. This is as a quaint story about a humble man. Cincinnatus had the opportunity to grab for power and tremendous wealth, but he did not. He laid down his sword and returned to farming, after he had successfully defended the Roman republic from disaster. He could have taken advantage of the situation but his concern was for Rome, the community, not himself. This was Cincinnatus expressing a Quirinal, or Roman, set of virtuous ideals.

Historically, circumstances such as these were often used as opportunities to extract resources. Cincinnatus did not do this. He gave up on power that many Romans would have supported even beyond its optimal use. Cincinnatus might have done more good for Rome if he had stayed in office, however he also knew that his actions would set precedent, the evils of which could theoretically overcome any good, from his perspective. Even if he had a few good ideas that might have been beneficial to implement from the position of dictator, the potential costs in terms of stability to the republic might have weakened the structure of Roman culture and government.

“This is a quaint story about a humble man.”

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The leader’s duty is meeting crises in the moment and matched to the aspects of special personal gifts, but not for any personal benefit. The term “perfect” implies a fitness to moment and circumstance, but more so it is correction since it derives from Latin meaning “through to completion.” This is the height of Roman manliness and also expressive of those Quirinal virtues aligned with Virtus and Vejovis (Asclepian / Promethean). Vejovis offered salvation to those outside the direct comfort of Jupiter, which included the ill-treated, wrongly accused criminals, and those cast out from community unjustly. Jupiter, or Jovis, represents all natural powers and so Vejovis, or “opposite-jovis,” has to do with those immanent, or mental, powers a person has to face otherwise insurmountable odds. This natively includes an expectation of improvements despite the consistent failure through lack of power or the material imperfections. This is reaching through the darkness to achieve light.


Cincinnatus’s skill was in comprehending how to interact with powers, presently most associated with “humility.” Acceptance of limitations in utility of functions is an important trait for all leaders to develop. Of course, this goes along with honesty and putting common interests ahead of individual interests. This is a mode of behaviour in leadership based in utility. Given all factors, Cincinnatus understood that his ability to accomplish whatever task would be limited, even within the purely martial engagements. His is a model opposite that of the typically portrayed power-hungry prince. The strategic mindset inherent of this understanding lends itself to military successes.


From the perspective of those who chose to carry forward this story, Cincinnatus represented an ideal dictator to republicans. This ideal dictator would preside long enough to intercede upon the extraordinary events for ending threats and securing the state but then do nothing more. Cincinnatus was most certainly a republican, as demonstrated by his respect for senatorial formalities and the Roman republic generally. Since it is so ideal for the purposes of a republic, one may wonder if the story was not altered for republican propaganda.

Regardless connections to republican partisanship, the main purpose of Cincinnatus’s story is as an example for leadership with boundaries. How much can an authority reasonably ask of their charge? It would seem this limit should have to do directly with the purposes of the authority itself and its productivity. This is expressed in the story of Cincinnatus by his unwillingness to disrupt the governance of Rome any more than it had been. This was authority setting reason and the community above the wants of the individual. Reasonable authority is engaged to avoid failure and assure success, given a set of circumstances.


Bad agents in corporatist governments create and promote emergencies to force consent toward expansions of authority with the adapted circumstances. Even moreso, blind chains of authority grant unsustainable power, as illustrated by the recent COVID-19 vaccine fiascos (Roe 2023a). Nobody in authority acted as though they were aware of limits in medical technology nor of the human capacity to lie. Authority was abused from top to bottom and in many aspects of life. This was done not merely by people within government or corporate hierarchy but neighbours and strangers without any titles. This was unreasonable authority, or leadership outside boundaries.

“In reality, the super-wealthy use established ‘cheat codes,’ like in video games but designed to alter the matrix of human economy and politics rather than the data in a game, in order to acquire and maintain such vast wealth.”


So, this is not simply an allegory to take on its face as willingness to eschew authority on the grand scale alone but rather should be taken as a model for any authority in general. This would include everything, like management, supervision, or even parenting. If authority is not improving things, it is not aligned with good. Therefore, such non-productive authority is founded in false power, which is involved with base material concerns. The spirit does not seek command or to convince through deception. Rather the spirit seeks a commending of higher order in the minds of clients, learners, seekers, and initiates. The love of universal order is what motivates all work towards it. When Cincinnatus took up the career of farmer, he did so for the purpose of order and improvement, plainly. His motivations were the same in securing Rome and their culture militarily against aggression.


True power cannot come from resources, material wealth, hoarding, or moving pleasures, as these represent corruptions of the natural tools within community. Corruption only appears powerful because it erodes legitimate power, however, like rust, corrosion, or mold, it cannot build something similar or improve a system. True power is possible through improvement, or perfection. This is because the natural flow of entropy makes perfection impossible except through action and time. ‘Perfect,’ in a static sense, is impossible outside of the abstract mind. This is so true that ‘perfect’ and synonyms should not be used as adjectives or as though perfection could be achieved, but strictly in non-finite verbal forms. Completion never occurs, however, since we live in an entropic reality.


Vast amounts of wealth can only occur through exploitation of the community tool of money. In computer programming these would be equivalent to a memory leak, which any programmer worth his salary would label a bug and fix post haste. In reality, the super-wealthy use established “cheat codes,” like in video games but designed to alter the matrix of human economy and politics rather than the data in a game, in order to acquire and maintain such vast wealth. The materialists who rule this World are well aware that they must destroy and weaken the strong and virtuous, because such people challenge their artificial hegemony. The strong and virtuous recognise the limitations of power, and the purpose of tools for community, such as money and defence.


This spiritual power based in truthful perfection only derives from love, family, community, and trust, which are most readily healthy insofar as they are in alignment with perfection. Cincinnatus’s greatest powers, even as dictator, came from the trust he earned from the Romans, through completion and achievements, that is perfection. Citizens, senators, and soldiers alike believed in him because he met expectations through progress, and this was his greatest asset, only possible through comprehending limitations. It was well-placed trust on the part of the Romans apparently, as he did not exploit it for his own benefit. Now, more than ever, we need leaders willing to do what is necessary in the moment for community, and not out of self-interest. Outside of love, family, community, or trust, all powerbases are founded upon corruption, either of material resources or spirit.

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“In future issues the actions of these corporatist foundations and what they promote as virtuous or good for society will be deconstructed and contextualised to provide insight into actual goals.”

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“Of course, a virtues system culminating in willpower is not fit for promoting by those who wish the population to remain subservient, in false humility.”


Corrupt power exploits community, always, since this is its identification. This bears repeating in another way: powerful material interests always deter the spiritual pursuits most beneficial to people, both immanently and in projection. More corruption leads to more material power. The most corrupted powers of this World do not want people learning, thinking, and remembering, rather they need them to be locked in a state of impotent desires.


Roe, M. A. (2023a). Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issues 1 & 2. https://24k.cc/article-categories/corporations-promote-sins-as-virtues/

Roe, M. A. (2023b).  Little Boots on the Beach – How Organisational Mortality Invites Autocratic Corruption.  24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 1. Little Boots on the Beach – How Organisational Mortality Invites Autocratic Corruption

Side note: As evidence for such corruption, I present the October 12th rejection of my proposal to a corporate foundation for funding the Pathology of Virtues education project. This foundation claims to exist for the purpose of promoting virtues throughout society. However, most foundations promulgate the same lies corporations do. I am proud of this rejection and although it took longer than anticipated, it was fully expected since corporate-funded foundations always align with the false virtues as pushed by corporatism generally (link to corporations promote article series). This basic agreement with corporatism should come as no surprise, however, considering all of the wealthiest foundations are tax-haven instruments of the biggest corporations. In future issues the actions of these corporatist foundations and what they promote as virtuous or good for society will be deconstructed and contextualised to provide insight into actual goals, though I will not be picking on the rejecting foundation alone or in particular at all. I did appreciate the opportunity for applying and the effort I had to extend, since I am not well practised in asking for money. Of course, a virtues system culminating in willpower is not fit for promoting by those who wish the population to remain subservient, in false humility.

To donate to my corporate-foundation-rejected Pathology of Virtues education project, please follow these links:



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While it is true that gratitude is one of the simplest ways for a person to live happier, this is not the most important reason for somebody to be grateful. It is a lost tradition for the majority of the population, primarily because the most important reason is not easily conveyed, as only won through hardships. The utility of gratitude is historically only taught individually by the few who attain to it. It is unappealing to groups and difficult to teach systematically. Sometimes gratitude is described as a virtue, Cicero does this for instance. However, gratitude is an emotion, regardless how much a part it plays in the perspective shifting toward reason, and thereby virtues. Cicero was right in identifying it as important to virtues, however.


Most self-help books on the subject are heavy on the emotional saccharine, largely for marketing purposes. Surely not all strategies suggested in them are bad but most tend to focus upon gratitude for materiality and the extrinsic rewards thereof. It is completely true that gratitude is good for building community but this too is merely accessory. Gratitude for material can never be as genuine as gratitude in spirit, as defined by reason.

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“Nothing is more honourable than a grateful heart.” – Seneca

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” – Epicurus

“Residence in gratitude emboldens the universal hopes, and generates the means of achieving them. This gratitude therefore cannot be the same thing as complacency, nor is it related to so-called ‘radical acceptance.'”


Gratitude is so important because of its effects upon the mind, and this is the ultimate reason to exhibit it. Gratitude is a mental setting that rejoices in the reality of self amid circumstance. Any benefits to family, community, and the self come mostly from the resultant mental development. Residence in gratitude emboldens the universal hopes, and generates the means of achieving them. This gratitude therefore cannot be the same thing as complacency, nor is it related to so-called “radical acceptance.” At the same time, it is the opposite from what has come to be the usual Western setting of mind, a certain hyper-criticality.

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Hyper-criticality may be the most easily propagandised mental state, because it exerts an eternal negativity that appears intellectual in its self-fulfilment. Once a person has been so adjusted, all subsequent marketing is oriented to advantage: if all is considered bad then anything somewhat pleasant is relatively very good. Thence all lapses into the mundane. This type of marketing naturally feeds into addiction because of the underlying ungrateful spirit minimising pleasures, and maximising pursuit. In this state, novel or increasing physical pleasures becomes a required escape. This is often described as “chasing the high.” The favourite drug then is not simply pleasant distraction as it was at first, but becomes necessity.

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It is far too simple to forget the actual self in this nexus of negativity and craving. This is especially true when a person is surrounded by distractions designed to disassociate the self, such as various forms of electronic media for entertainment. These things not only alienate a person from self but consequently things they care about as well, which is to say their responsibilities. Alienation limits capacity for gratitude. Escape is a means of forgetting, amnesis. It is always temporary but the damage can be lasting where it squanders opportunities for improvement.

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True gratitude is at want for very little, because it is, in fact, fullness. Gratitude is anti-addiction because its persistence demands the person minimise reactions and effects. It is the practice of remembrance and responsibilities. This means it primarily recognises care and intellect, which is to say ordered affections. Gratitude, then, is re-remembrance of affections for the good of the self. Perseverance naturally follows. This replicated remembrance is a plan for future responsibility.

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This is similar to Buddhist mindfulness, except that it is an orientation of general action and reaction in active appreciation of community instead of simply non-judgement. How the day may unfold is determined greatly by the little deeds and the little appreciations. The problem in materiality is not the material itself, which can be loosely tied to spiritually gratifying experiences without harm. Potentially spiritually gratifying experiences, however, can be corrupted by shifting focus. That corruption is any removal from spirit and move toward obsession with materiality. The material or spiritual meanings are always determined by the appreciation, or focus. The material matters, but only insofar as it can support the spirit.


To embody gratitude, first actions and reactions are slowed down. The purpose in this is staging yourself for reprogramming interactions. Not responding so quickly to stimulation gives time for the self to consider future interactions, as well as demonstrate that consideration to the other person. This also gives the other person time. Responding immediately often demonstrates a lack of consideration, or even doubt and apathy. Gratitude in relationships has directly to do with the patience necessary to respond appropriately, with benefit (Roe 2023).


Dedication to productivity often increases tensions. Productivity is great but the REASON for whatever labour must be kept firmly in mind. Righteous labours are engaged for improvement, that is the purpose. This improvement is based in responsibility, for the sake of self, family, and community. This is done to make those moments with our family better. This is true of improvements to the self and community as well. Take time and slow down before responding so they can actually be better. If something is worthy of improvement, it is worthy of time and appreciation.

“Gratitude, then, is re-remembrance of affections for the good of the self.”

  • Hyper-criticality minimises pleasures.
  • Amnesis of self results from negativity and craving.
  • Gratitude is fulness and anti-addiction.
  • Slowing down allows for careful reprogramming of reactions.

“Giving up on materiality frees the spirit to follow higher reason, and gratitude is essential to that transformation.”

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Gratitude weighs heaviest after full realisation in value of moments that reveal or affirm the truth, especially many of the burdens experienced. These are the things that draw a person toward reason. In logical valuation of erosic activities, all things necessarily funnel toward reason, that arbiter of truth. Every experience has an element of truth providing a spark to reason. Overlooking experience undermines spiritual development. Pain, anguish, and scars often memorialise lessons that correct a path, as always toward reason. Self-correction, then, is the gratitude of highest reason.


People seek unhealthy escape because it feels like freedom, but all that it does is damage the capacity for gratification itself (Volkow 2010). Similarly, a person is free to imagine anything but a wise adult limits imagination to contexts of either what is achievable and within reason or allegorically valuable. Such reality-focused fantasies and achievements are most spiritually gratifying. All things are permitted for the spirit so harnessed because it does not need permission, and, if grounded in reality, it cannot seek but for anything except its true nature. Giving up on materiality frees the spirit to follow higher reason, and gratitude is essential to that transformation.


Roe, M. A. (2023). Resurrexit Spiritus series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 0. Resurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System

Volkow, N. D., Wang, G.-J., Fowler, J. S., Tomasi, D., Telang, F., & Baler, R. (2010). Addiction: Decreased reward sensitivity and increased expectation sensitivity conspire to overwhelm the brain’s control circuit. BioEssays: News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, 32(9), 748–755. https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.201000042



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“For where you find unrest, grief, fear, frustrated desire, failed aversion, jealousy, and envy, happiness has no room for admittance. And where values are false, these passions inevitably follow.” – Epictetus

“The kernel of all jealousy is lack of love.” – Jung

Excellence is the most significant of all the virtues, it is that side of the divide in humanity most to do with reality. It begins with the recognition of all that is excellent and then proceeds in its application. People who achieve this ability to recognise but then proceed no further in developing application, which is to say imitation, are called psychics in Christian esoteric traditions, as opposed to hylics who do not recognise excellence at all. Psychics are capable of doing good so long as the rules are spelled out precisely and they are devoted to them. The proceeding seven virtues in Structured Virtues Theory represent fulfilment in the promise inherent of excellence recognition (Roe 2023b). These other virtues constitute the path through which pneumatics achieve completed excellence: patience, conservation, prudence, ethics, justice, courage, and willpower.


The foundations of excellence are in recognition, which is derived out of a mastery of the honesty aspect of Reason. A person experiencing this may have no other word for it but envy, however it is simple honest analysis and propriety. So the person will wish to describe this as jealousy or envy. However, it distinguishes itself from envy with love. There is a deep affection for excellence which reveals those who have mastered honesty.


‘Envy’ admitted freely and without malice indicates that it is not envy, but couched in the love of excellence. This is the identifier of the excellence virtue. The preceding virtues of magnanimity, honour, temperance, and loyalty are in the moments of honesty. This makes excellence the first virtue to touch upon a complete Reason, the extent of honesty being most essential to it. This ‘virtuous envy,’ or recognition of excellence, speaks volumes about the person experiencing it. It signifies the alignment of desires with the self and reality. What begins as recognition, proceeds to a grateful embodiment through that love of excellence (Roe 2023a).


Obsession has a lot to do with desire in material things or moving pleasures. It is a block against loyalty. This renders a person prone to hubris and real envy. The pathway to dependence is through the passing distractions that cannot fulfil a person. Neither can a desire that drives distraction away from excellence ever be fulfilled. Where temperance is the alleviation of these desires, loyalty and honour point clearly toward the ideal ends. Spiritual desires for improvement and progress cannot be evil.


Progress is only possible through the honesty aspect of Reason, because this leads to truth which allows the operations of Reason. Excellence demands excellence and begets it all the more still. Recognition of excellence cannot be denied once installed firmly because it is the catalyst of that singular path toward willpower, the highest bloom of Reason. Nothing can oppose a person who fully recognises excellence from achieving it. Where people stumble most is in the recognition, because then the other virtues necessarily fall short. Excellence is absolutely unattainable without the recognition through complete honesty, and it is eternally short of completion because it must always set the mark higher still. This is an eternal and ceaseless desire for improvement.

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“This ‘virtuous envy,’ or recognition of excellence, speaks volumes about the person experiencing it. It signifies the alignment of desires with the self and reality. What begins as recognition, proceeds to a grateful embodiment through that love of excellence”

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“Excellence demands the sacrifice of everything for truth. For the excellent person, this comes mostly in the form of opposition to lies, and the expulsions of lies are seen as opportunities for more improvement.”


Since it is impossible without honesty, it makes sense that excellence shines most in its unabashed demonstration of truth, despite any opposition and despite all hatred for the truth. The evillest people in the World will always despise the truth and therefore excellence, because it rejects their material delusions. Excellence, like the pervading light of the Sun, shines into everything to reveal truth. Excellence recognises itself most through improvement over the self and spiritual selection, which can only be done through the ‘harshest’ of truths. But the truth is only harsh to those who are outside of it. For those inside truth, recognising excellence, it is nourishment. Patience, conservation, and prudence can come easily to a person at peace in the excellence of truth through honesty.


In fact, excellence is recognisable for its tendency to move into opposition and against the prevailing materialist movements. Excellence demands the sacrifice of everything for truth. For the excellent person, this comes mostly in the form of opposition to lies, and the expulsions of lies are seen as opportunities for more improvement. A person who has achieved excellence cannot agree with what is claimed simply for material benefits, as many do without realising it. Excellence cannot allow for sacrifice to nothing, because it must discourage all but sacrifice to progress, improvement itself, which attends truth.

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Truth, Excellence, & Judgement

  • Truth only harsh to those outside of it.
  • Truth is nourishment.
  • Excellence places truth first.
  • Progress through intellectual honesty.
  • Judgement of self is necessary.


Excellence, then, is pivotal in the development of virtues as the initial stepping forward into analytical Reason from intellectual honesty. There is no proper analysis of self relative to others without developed honesty. This appropriate judgement of self is necessary for excellence, whatever form that takes within the logic of culture and legacy.


Roe, M. A. (2023a). Gratitude Embodied. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 2. Gratitude Embodied – How to Live Reasonably and Without Addiction

Roe, M. A. (2023b). Structural Virtues Theory – Resurrexit Spiritus part 5. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 0. Resurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System



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Conceit is the aspect of materialism that drives dishonesty and the pettiness that stops a person from experiencing gratitude. With conceit, people become blind to what is above and what is below.

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Confusion is the materialist aspect that negates analysis and disables the ability to act outside of petty self-interests. With confusion, people become easier to manipulate.


The sloth aspect of materiality disallows perseverance. Within sloth, a person becomes most subservient and disposed to greater levels of sin, most especially involved with greed and delusions. With sloth, people are most selfish.

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Bolshevism and Big Business are very much alike; they are both built on the truth that everything is easy and simple if once you eliminate liberty. And the real irreconcilable enemy of both is what may be called Small Business.” – G.K. Chesterton

The whole corporatist process and structure has the appearance of progress to the servile individual so encouraged into their Telos domain selves toward mindless ‘money-making,’ or at least attempted (Roe 2023a, Roe 2023c).  They expend their energies toward the goals of these fictional entities incompatible with the interests of family, friends, themselves, community, or society.  However, they do win a bi-weekly prize in the form of a cheque as well as pay rises, holiday bonuses, curriculum vitae fodder, and promotions.

“They expend their energies toward the goals of these fictional entities incompatible with the interests of family, friends, themselves, community, or society.”


Envy renders a person incapable of tolerating excellence, believed to be based on lies necessarily, due to the involuntary projecting of the dishonest self (Roe 2023e).  Doubt in the existence of excellence forces a deepening dependence upon surrounding powers, subconsciously presumed supreme by ‘might,’ which is victory at any cost, the false “excellence” known before actual excellence.  All that remains then, in terms of a life goal, is greed.  This greed is demonstrated by the common servant’s goal of being awarded the highest price in service to a corrupt and detrimental system.  The problem with being a servant is they are not typically permitted to have opinions or growth.

  • Confusion and Sloth are central to internalised sin.
  • Envy takes the place of excellence.
  • Servant’s morality in highest fee that can be extracted.
  • “Victory” at any cost.

Figure 1Sin Chart – The three aspects of Materiality are labelled on the left with the four moments labelled above.  The ‘Dirty Dozen.’ For more information: Resurrexit Spiritus



Basic inability of tolerating true excellence.

Based in confusion and lust.


An over-reliance upon others. Leads to distorted perspective.

Based in ignorance and sloth.


Inability to conceive of universal conservation.

Based in lust and sloth.

Internalisation of Sin

The alignment of internal and external qualities to match the complex of materiality throughout experience.


The sloth of dependence and greed go hand-in-hand, progressively escalating each other (Roe 2023e).  This is because the moments of sloth in which dependence and greed occur are ignorance and lust.  Together, ignorance and lust moments in the aspects of confusion and sloth alter the foundations of consciousness.  This contributes to confusion and mass-formation of specific delusions encouraged through the basic alienation inherent of corporate culture (Roe 2023d), in alignment with Dr.  Matthias Desmet’s theories (Desmet 2022).  Alienated servants are constantly engulfed by the needs messaging of the corporate masters, and so the delusions take this shape.  These directed delusions have to do with the state of the World, the place of individuals, and how people are told they can improve conditions, society, or the self.


The purpose of the material-skill in delusion, at this point, is to force compatibility between the elements of external sins and the four internal sins.  Delusion is the externalised sin closest to the four internalised sins.  Between internalised and externalised sins, delusion generates the distortions that falsely align the misaligned reflections of reality, allowing high levels of functionality despite self and other destructiveness.  Presence of mounting delusions prefigures the internalised expansion of sins.

Corruption, procrastination, absolutism, and cowardice deepen in the darkness of dependence and greed, finally breaking realism and integrating false reality in a targeted psychosis. Envy, dependence, greed, and delusion in people all suit the needs of corporations very well, so that their upper leadership can be guaranteed to embody those internalised sins, all wrongly perceived as virtues as well. Corruption is the most visible but allows a person to accept a greater degree of evil. Procrastination, at an advanced stage, begins to appear like delegation when given authority. Absolutism is seen as dedication, where it is merely blunt stupidity. Cowardice drives all these sins deeper by enabling avoidance while being seen as cautiousness in its advanced stage.


Your enemy need not kill you, if he can make you do the wrong things.  People deadened to true spiritual desires are the demoralised tools most fit for the designs of corporatism.  Demoralised people, pushed into such sins accepted as virtues, become automatons by expending personal labour as a pure transaction, like selling an ear of corn or buying a bicycle. They do not like it, but they have to, knowing nothing better.  Historically, corporations seek precisely the person in such a state of mind because they do as they are told without asking questions, often regardless the possible moral ramifications.  When afforded the opportunity to give charity or have a say in governance, corporations will always push toward basic demoralisation.  These demoralised people believe themselves to be productive and efficient for their corporate overlords. Accepting sins as virtues transforms the demoralised into the virtuous.


This is not to diminish the importance of labour expended for the satisfaction in craft or product.  It is true that the simple ‘act of doing’ does much good in itself.  Rather, this is intended to condemn the waste inherent of production toward unworthy goals.  Satisfaction can be a very worthy goal.


The personhood of the corporation takes fundamental precedent over the personhood of the composite individuals, with all goals subsumed.

True Virtues

*The corporatists do not want people to develop virtues, learn more here:
Resurrexit Spiritus

Regardless of which state, human energies in the Telos domain are expended not for the satisfaction, meditation, or temporary goals, but for growth into Erosic primacy, the domain of self and other connectedness (Roe 2023c).  If all of the rules of the overarching society are rejected in the Kratos domain, those rejections imply an alternative set of rules for behaviours.  This is regardless of whether alternative behaviours are functionally antisocial, psychotic, or accepted among sub-cultural peers.  Of course, Erosic imbalance is likely with the presence of additional complications in lower phenomenal domains.


The more serious and higher mortality an industry, the greater the compunction for absolute vertical alignment in the ranks but to what end and how much is of maximal value (Roe 2023b)?  Should the ranks of healthcare, a high mortality industry, align to business protocols?  Does that help alleviate some of the mortality?  Obviously, some value can come from strict adherence to wisdom of experts within that industry, but not typically experts from most others, especially those entangled.  This is obviously true in the interplay between healthcare and business.


In track record terms, are corporations worthy of the precious gift that is human energies?  Human trust? Can corporations respect boundaries?  Are they beneficial for humanity or individual humans?  They might be aligned temporarily if leaders can be honest and remain so.  However, contributing to corporations in any capacity ultimately empowers corporatism overall.  Corporatism is always out of alignment with individual and communal goals, as a rule. It is plain to see that legitimate virtues lead to a future freed of corporatism, not further into the enslavement closing around humanity currently.

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Light Through Darkness

A future freed from corporatist war mongers.

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Purpose of Humanity

We are bigger.


Desmet, M. (2022).  The Psychology of Totalitarianism.  Chelsea Green Publishing.

Roe, M. A. (2023a). Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 1. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 1. Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 1 – Material Idealism

Roe, M. A. (2023b).  Little Boots on the Beach – How Organisational Mortality Invites Autocratic Corruption.  24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 1. Little Boots on the Beach – How Organisational Mortality Invites Autocratic Corruption

Roe, M. A. (2023c).  Resurrexit Spiritus part 3 – Resurrexit Theory – The Dualist Expansion of Structural Phenomenology.  24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 0. Resurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System

Roe, M. A. (2023d).  Serf and Turf parts 1-3.  24K Journal of Virtues Science.

Roe, M.  A.  (2023e).  Structural Virtues Theory – The Dozen Skills in Reason – Resurrexit Spiritus part 5.  24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 0. Resurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System