

24K Journal of Virtues Science – Five articles on the philosophical concept of LOGOS in relation to scepticism, the proper communal context of money, and the completion of a series on the philosophy underlining knowledge, as started in the previous issue.

2023 December Introduction

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the fourth issue of 24K Journal of Virtues Science!
What is knowledge? What is scepticism? Where will science devoid of philosophy lead? Is scientism not a result of powerful interests attempting to reform science into something more malleable to predation?
Historically, what might have become of a beneficial philosophy that affirmed Oneness as highest Good and taught a practical method in absolving sin? Such a philosophy would have been devastating to elites manipulating commoners, as accomplished with shame and engineering ignorance. In the end, however, is there any difference between absolving sin, correcting error, improving knowledge, or progressing science?
Science is most often taught in modern educational institutions as though the goal of objectivity could be fulfilled by simply pretending experiments and analyses were performed in a cleanroom-type environment perfectly innocent of distractions or political motivations. Of course, this is nonsense. Many sciences attempted in a perfectly objective manner would be criminal, and indeed are.
Science must be subjective by the very nature of the imperfect beings engaged in it. What is the point of science if it is not subjective toward human life? In other words, scientists are rightly biased toward their own life, and continuing it. Some alternative could be theoretically objective but also severely misguided. To wish for the continuation and progress of humanity is a very subjective position, and only made objective through individual and societal progress toward the universal.
The first science of all scientists should naturally be in the knowledge of good and evil. To have anything less is to plan for disaster. Scientists must be philosophers first, with philosophy returned to its rightful orientation.

Merry Christmas to all!

Live Well,
Dr. Roe
24K Journal of Virtues Science
Online ISSN: 2994-5844
Print ISSN: 2994-5836
AuraPura Publishing


This issue can be accessed at here: https://24k.cc/issue/202312-s1i4/ or in EPUB format, here: https://24K.cc/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-December-24K-Journal-of-Virtues-Science.epub

All Articles ©2022-2023 24K Journal of Virtues Science and Dr. Marcus Roe



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“The Uncreated One projected Reason and Life. Reason is for the glory of the Ineffable One, Life is for the glory of Peace, while man is for his own glory, and Church is for the glory of Truth.”
“The Will of the Father is this: always produce and bear fruit.”
– (“A Valentinian Exposition” from the Nag Hammadi collection) It could have been written by Valentinus himself.

It is taken for granted today that religion and scepticism are opposites. Scepticism is generally considered to be antagonistic to religion, with religion ever remaining willfully ignorant of scepticism outside blind disbelieving anything contrary to what is believed. However, Christianity was originally a very scientific and philosophical religion that connected some of the astrological concepts of older, more superstitious cults with erudite metaphors in psychology and neuroscience (Pagels 1992; Pryse 1914). It was the most powerful philosophical outlook on life for anyone. It empowered common people, while revealing esoteric secrets openly, the crime Christ indulged in gleefully and for which early Christians were most persecuted.

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From an elitist perspective, this philosophical religion needed to be managed and slowly strangled, the mission of the Roman Church since inception. The earliest missions upon establishment of this Roman Church were centred around the total extinction of gnostics. They then, of course, wrote spurious lies about these victims, demonising them by associating unrelated groups. They killed off these elders and learned men for heterodoxy, and then lied about them. This is perfectly aligned with their later behaviour. They destroyed the Valentinians, whose founder claimed to be taught directly by a student of Paulus. Who lied here? The early Roman Church or their victims? Many modern Christians might claim both, and I heartily disagree with this reactionary position. Valentinus was nearly pope, so what actually happened? What is to be done with the uncovered texts of Valentinus? Are they not an intrinsic part of the earliest church history?

I would suggest one need not look any further than the earliest enemies of the Roman Church to discover the first truths of Christianity. That would be the gnostics and nobody else. Misunderstanding exists at gnosis, which is simply knowledge of things in truth, so that a gnostic just meant “learned” and was originally a general term given to anybody in the church who had a degree of gnosis. So the original “cleansing” of the early church of the “gnostics” meant leaving nobody but the ignorant among the ranks. This was done in order to centralise power and curtail any heterodoxy that pulled people away from those practices determined to be best for the purposes of papal power: including ease of conversions and further burying of the esoteric truths that provide power to the suffering masses. These are all the words in the epistles and gospels themselves, and further confirmed by the esoteric reading of exoteric verses.

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The alternative scenario is that the early Roman Church was the defender of what was right by dispatching philosophical and God-fearing men who believed in understanding through Godly Reason and discourse. If Irenaeus, and the other surviving critical sources, faithfully conveyed the beliefs of Valentinus and the Valentinians, what was the point of destroying all the writing of Valentinus? Irenaeus himself believed the Christ died at an age past 50, making him a heretic as well.

I would remind my brothers and sisters reading this that Paulus was a very humble man, an admitted servant to all. If he could converse with Christ in his own mind, being in constant prayer as he was, what might be stopping any Christian? Would humble Paulus believe this outside the reach of anyone else? By Paulus’s own humble report, could anybody believe him to have been so egotistical? No. The simple truth is the most important elements of original Christianity were almost completely blotted from memory.


God is the Greatest Mind of the Universe, original NOUS, and the source of our own, so that His Reason can be ours, and His gifts can benefit us. Highest among these gifts is LOGOS. NOUS’s LOGOS is how all was created, so that all was created in Reason, for Reason; LOGOS is the Reason and means of creation. So it is that alignment with God’s Reason, is to turn oneself over to the creative purpose of God and become a part of His creation, that is a non-abomination. The original sin is in ignorance through conceit, amnesis, which is founded upon a basic misidentification of the self. To become aligned with God’s purpose through LOGOS is to honour Him in the highest. The primary path to GNOSIS, and in approaching NOUS, is LOGOS, discourse in Reason.

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Having faith in LOGOS, is having faith in nothing else. This is why “faith alone” was the singular requirement in original Paulian gnostic thought. Faith in anything else, including “good works,” was faith misplaced and meant that LOGOS was not being served. LOGOS must be recognised because it is the path to highest Good, which is to say Reason governs all and is the “King of kings,” i.e., ‘He who governs those who govern.’ In this case, however, it implies Godly monarchs, or people who are completely free, making its actual meaning ‘He who does Good to those who do Good.’


Loose and physical definitions of liberties are as nothing compared to immanent and complete freedom. This freedom may exist no matter the control a person lacks over external aspects of life. There is absolute and complete freedom in singular faith devoted to LOGOS, discourse. Discourse enables greater and more accurate conceptions of Good, according to the basic definition of complete freedom as previously elaborated in 24K Journal (Roe 2023a). The greatest freedom can only be achieved in this manner because error continues without it. This is the ideal grace. Absolving sin through logic, correcting error for the soul, improving knowledge for the benefit of man, and progressing science to benefit the love of wisdom are all the same thing.


Since there are far too many individuated paths toward progressive Good for any books to contain, the best plan for increased freedoms must entail a mastery of discourse. It is therefore absolutely true that faith in LOGOS cannot be misplaced. Discourse may not provide all potential answers in the moment, though it will always provide better answers than without it, most certainly for the individual if not always best applied in organisations and communities. Application of LOGOS in the life of the individual is a comparatively simple affair, however LOGOS on the level of community is a necessary complication. This means everyone, in communities that would be healthy, should be trained in the Godly discourse from a young age and practise this discourse throughout life.


The healthiest scepticism is natively built into LOGOS. There can be nothing more valid than LOGOS since it encapsulates all the most valid information and evidence in itself. It is vitally important that people not simply believe what they are told, but approach all things with a mind focused squarely upon ultimate truths. A person cannot serve two masters, however openness and guardedness need not be mutually exclusive. The mind of an initiate does not falter in cowardice, nor is it turned aside through absolutism. The onset of corruption is attended by delusion and greed, just as the onset of ethics is attended by prudence and conservation (Roe 2023b). Willpower cannot be lacking in those who know justice and courage.

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The first virtue of magnanimity underlies the rest, but cannot be achieved without understanding the self and true purpose. Self and true purpose are alien factors to anyone without community. There is actual understanding of self only within contexts of community. Thi s is a terrible yet awesome and necessary truth. A person consists partly of their contexts. Culture must procreate, as a complex of simpler memes, and this occurs best within the contexts of the individual united to community, which is to say their cultural artifacts and traditions. So then it becomes a self-perpetuating factor, of virtues attending healthy society toward greater opportunities for evermore virtues. This only happens with a great multitude of shared traditions and commonality. The signal gets lost without common enough cultural cues for reception. Tribalism is caked into the human material and is part of cultural cues. More apparent tribalism, divisiveness, and materialism lead to truculent displays of hatreds. Alienness and feeling alien make people more withdrawn and alienated, so drawn toward their baser urges. This has a tendency to disable spiritual progression and disconnect Reason. The promotion of more hatreds and greater division in societies is very valuable to greedy corporatists but it is hell for the purposes of societal functionality.


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The truth of LOGOS necessity is evidenced by the impossibility of legitimate power outside community. Without the discourse in LOGOS how can there be Reason? If there is no Reason, then how can community be protected from corruption? Every purported power outside community is based in some manipulated abstraction of communal powers, the most obvious of which being money. This inevitably leads to resource extraction, where large faceless and international corporations have vampired whole nations, from within the communities. The only means of any power remaining legitimate is by Reason, LOGOS, through the discourse. In other words, LOGOS is the ruler of rulers.

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The reunification of Christianity and LOGOS, as properly understood, is inevitable. It has waited too long. This can occur immediately, with the opening of eyes to its validity. It begins in the reestablishment of the discourse, not merely in our religion but in the sciences and philosophy as well. LOGOS has been detached from all its children, and so restoration starts everywhere at once. Many are already advanced down its path, but remain unrecognised and unsure due to humility. This must change. Pride in LOGOS is nothing to be ashamed of, as the thing most distant from personal haughtiness. Only discourse absolves error, Reason expands knowledge, and through LOGOS sin is forgiven.

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Pagels, E. (1975; 1992). The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters 2nd edition 1992: Trinity Press International.

Pryse, J. M. (1914). The Restored New Testament 4th edition.

Roe, M. A. (2023a). Complete Freedom series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science.

Roe, M. A. (2023b). Resurrexit Spiritus series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science.



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“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
“Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation.”
“Darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer.”
– J. R. R. Tolkien

Tolkien’s Shire and Hobbiton were not simply places to set his hobbits, but rather complex social experiments.  The hobbits were exceedingly happy and joyous people.  Why?  They were keepers and hoarders with an excess for all, none wanted.  Where elves were overly objective in resplendent immortality, hobbits were openly subjective and thrifty while maintaining excess resources, not money.  This was a society on a deflationary path toward cultural demonetisation.  This is demonstrated when Bilbo’s will was read, as the relatives cared for little more than having at all his knick-knacks.  This was the divide that Tolkien saw between civilisation and non-civilisation, wealth and squalor.  His tiny people were as powerful as any of those proud warriors of the plains, because they were completely emboldened as integrative members of a high value and trusting society.  The greatest gift to humanity in life is in mutuality and friendship.

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I theorise that certain patterns of price deflation can sometimes correlate with a natural communal demonetisation.  Experts classify price deflation as resulting from decrease in economic activity, or demand and growth, which is itself not perfectly correlative as it flatly ignores alternative economic interactions.  They then equate all price deflation with “stagnation,” and therefore economic strife.  This is blatantly false on its face.  They use this concocted concept of stagnation as an argument for artificially inflating prices by printing more for banks to loan out at interest, thus devaluing the money and stealing from everyone.

This is actually simple wealth extraction by money printing, no different from legalised counterfeiting.  They use this power to control all publicly-traded corporations and most institutions in society.  However, nobody is asking how good life is in any of this.  The economy is artificially sour currently as I write this but what are the blessings of a rambling economy to the average person?  How good was life when the GDP was high?  Were people not living paycheque to paycheque, or just above it?  The majority were lucky to have that, it seems.

Without artificial price inflation, there is natural deflation, which derives from people saving and the accrual of actual material wealth, both public and private.  The natural deflation is a measure of the value subsumed back into communities as mediated by population growth.  Across generations of this familial and communal material accrual throughout a nation, there is a genuine overflow of charity through reinvestments into community.  Caution is to be used in construction of such charity, that it maintains especial accountability.

Communities with lots of internal material wealth, without need for many external material additions, spend less money.  So the value of their own money appreciates, as do their labour and assets.  Of course, this is all relative to their relationship with the World, but what it actually signifies is Freedom and goodness, which is to say internal trust and communal faith.


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The two-party and multi-party systems, as defined in most centralised Western nations, are anti-Democratic on the national level.  Inevitably any legitimately “democratic” power is removed, either surreptitiously or overtly, through the waxing and waning of these parties, mimicking a manual pump train-car.  Meanwhile they are all owned by corporations.  The stock markets themselves abuse ownership of society in a tipped game.  They pretend there is an opportunity for everyone to take part.  However, those who win the most do so from the losers.  The corporatist banks sit in the gutters awaiting to swallow everything, and they do.  So, what is there to do?  How can fairness be accomplished?

The only way to have a long-term democratic system is to encode it into the foundation of the organisational structures of society.  Nations must establish common sense and practical incorporation laws to benefit the workers foremost as well as the consumers, which is to say the stakeholders and not those third-party “investors” in the eternal group bondservant, “stock.” Benefit the people involved instead of the disinterested people living in mansions thousands of miles away from their many bonded slaves.

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The requirement for real local leadership translates into meritocratic processes built into the structure of society.  These worker-owned cooperatives can use various measures of executive performance objectively measured in worker-owner terms.  Whatever leadership forms will be organic and proven in pragmatic decisions with true and meaningful competition, not underhanded or meta-communal for ulterior purposes.  Behaviours are the truest indicators of partisanship and intention.

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Cooperatives allow social organisation to work for itself again, instead of international tyrants.  Cooperative organisation enables natural productivity and resource management.  It achieves the moderation in economy healthiest for society and culture.  It stops the constant exploitation of the populace by countering planned obsolescence and the creep of economic dependence.  It proves humanity by openly engaging public economic discourse with the only boundaries being used against the abusers, in defence.  It strangles corporate governmental overreach, by atomising domains of human power appropriately into the individual, familial, and communal hands with which they belong.  Worker-owned cooperatives put power back into healthy human hands and assure society.

Enough people leave corporations, to form and join cooperatives aligned to their benefit, and it would eventually force national capitals and monetary policies back into worker-owned hands naturally.  Then the questions on the national levels solve themselves.  All these unnecessary wars stop when people disengage from the attrition inherent of the current predatory economic systems.


Frodo and Bilbo sailed across the sea to a mystic land, as honoured beings.  This represented an elven, or spiritual, afterlife uncommon for most hobbits.  Tolkien conveys the deeper bond and affection shared by the two hobbits through this mutual heaven.  They both proved themselves worthy of a godly trust, as “ring bearers.” The trust in commonality makes something new in itself, as all relationships do, but their relationship was educational and aspirational in the writing of their memoirs.  The materiality of the hobbits was the backdrop for the rise of the Spirit, in historical and cultural terms.  Any material wealth is ancillary for those with wealth in Spirit, which is the foundation of hobbit strength.  Frodo and Bilbo had the superhuman faith necessary to be ring bearers.  The lesson is that while great hatred tears everything apart, only great love heals the bonds of humanity.

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previous articles in series:

“If a man has lost a leg or an eye, he knows he has lost a leg or an eye; but if he has lost a self–himself–he cannot know it, because he is no longer there to know it.”
– Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales

Truth is difficult to ascertain with active flooding of lies. These are lies because while some may believe them, they are not mistakes and are purposeful. It is never a mistake when they are being funded by the corporations and their foundations. These corporations do not make purposefully “bad” investments. The point is to obscure the truth by shifting attentions off of corporatism and on to things oppositional to corporatism, so that the natural forces of human criticism against power are redirected. Understanding falsehood is necessary before attaining to truth, yet so few scientists are philosophers first. Nobody second guesses the process. Complete the degree and then sign up for a sedative paycheque to perform work to benefit a faceless fictional entity called stock.

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The propaganda in academia is funded by corporate “benefactors.” “Critical Theory” is hypercritical against all areas of human culture, or empowerment. This fraud ideology contains no love, but is a simple devotion to novelty alone that merely “liberates” people from their traditions and culture, by its own admission. In fact, it is hatred for anything non-novel. It appears in the guise of “anti-establishment” discourse by being anti-everything that is not absolutely pro-novelty. For instance, the media and academia were not for the novelty of ivermectin as a potential treatment against COVID-19, because their preferred novelty of the hour was the murderous mRNA injections posing as vaccines. They launched a literal propaganda war against ivermectin that continues to this day, when it turned out to be one of the best treatments available (Wells 2023). So it is not a bias toward novelty generally, but specifically the most destructive, which is to say pro-corporation, novelty.

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This is a part of the much larger corporate project to demoralise their servant population (Roe 2023b). Turning the half of the population against the other is the aim, as the people have less ability to organise against the corporations. Half of the population is naturally more open to novelty but this is converted into an unreasonable devotion to novelty, in implementation. This new unnatural position renders them anathema for any parliamentary interactions. It is a debate with lunatics, essentially. The novelty imposing extreme is fully funded. The half of the population seeking to conserve elements of culture are not allowed to speak on corporate platforms, of course. Government bodies have been thus turned into corporate instruments for cultural destruction, or deculturation.

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This false appropriation of liberalism is a total inversion of that natural novelty-seeking in humans, evolutionarily selected for in its tendency to provoke curiosity. Any group of “modern liberal” researchers, insofar as they are incapable of love for their own traditions, fail to embody a complete humanity, in their abject individualised alienation (Roe 2024a). This is because they are invalid candidates for legitimate universalising, incapable of determining healthy values. Instead, such propagandised researchers are a destructive cancer on the social dialectic (Roe 2024b). A healthy dialectic in society entails sound philosophy as the underlying foundation. This is necessary for the promotion of values that secure the persistence of that society because the science is pointless if the underlying society that can use it disappears.


People genuinely wish to move toward honest universalism, which is to say proximity to God for many. People will not refuse a movement that proposes changes toward that universalism. However, they must embody a particular beyond the degree to which they wish to change it. Impact can only be minimal even with wide distribution, if the particular is not somehow exemplified. So conveyance of an adapted particular image will be greatly harmed in ability to convince by being too inconsistent. If no legitimate benefits to the particular image can be demonstrated, it can only be of neutral or destructive value.


There is basic corruption in modern understandings regarding the relationship of the universal with the particular. The universal is important to the particular, and the particular can be important to the universal, insofar as it models the universal. The universal is important to the individual but the individual, outside their fabric of particularity, is specifically unimportant in universal terms. The individual is of primary importance to their particular, this is because the individual can affect nothing but destruction outside of it. It bears repeating that outsiderness is supremely alienating. Anyone in emotional settings of alienation is predisposed to materiality and error, which is to say dishonesty and criminality. This is not a process that can be changed, and as former majorities turn into minorities, they too will feel more alienation.


This is similar to the anti-universal particulars through which the most destructive individuals also affect the universal. Individuals only find constructive contribution to the universal within boundaries of their own functioning particular. Once an individual rejects the particular completely, they renounce their connection to the universal. The only option for achieving universality then is reattachment to a compatible and universalising particular.

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It is only through the particular led toward the universal that true universalism can be achieved. It is never an individual that is the particular, but the individual among other individuals in a society. Societies of people make up meaningful particulars that can culturally approach the universals. Any philosophy attempting the disruption of this natural relationship, aside from finding eventual correction, is aimed at the simple destruction of particulars. This destruction is especially egregious when directed at self-universalising particulars.

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The damage done on the part of so-called “Critical Theory” is difficult to comprehend. “Criticality” drops off once a science has been “criticised” enough. Replace these words with whatever you like: destructiveness and deconstructed are personal preferences. The results are the same, however it is preferred, that a science becomes a coatrack. This criticality destroys a discourse and then it stops there, once particularly useless theories are implemented. It appears that the primary point of this “criticality” is to disarm elements of cohesion that can be used for organisation among workers. And so it is, Critical Theory does define all elements of tradition as part of the problem with “capitalism.” However the more that is destroyed in the social framework of society, the more “capitalistic” things become. That means Critical Theory is not doing its job.

By redirecting worker movements away from focus upon the ultra-wealthy and corporatist bankers at the heart of “capitalism,” Marx made sure these could never be successful. If they focused upon culture, it could only be damaging toward the workers and never the corporatists, because the corporations do not need any culture but that which they control. Of course, corporations work hard at deculturation. They use the deculturation weapon even now, directly against their servant workers as they also push divisive and demoralising propaganda.

The appropriate response to Critical Theory is criticism of critique, which is only possible through full ownership of the particular universality it seeks to destroy in science. All natural biases hence must be owned and embodied. Anything else is cowardice. Reason is seeking truth, not self-destruction nor vitriol against all things simply for being perceived as traditional. This looks exactly like a complete honesty in institution because it is. It involves rejecting any political motives incompatible with achieving freedom, which is to say allowing the Good to be truly Good (Roe 2023a).


It should be pointed out that the charter for Critical Theory is unending. This concept and its distillates in a thousand different fields and industries have wreaked havoc upon the sciences of the Western world. And for what? Has Western Civilisation been improved? Or are the innovations merely a fraction of the normal advances that could have come about? How much can be credited to the gatekeepers slowing down advances by undermining scientific investigations and condemning entire fields? Universalising, or moving toward truth, is the ultimate Good for humanity. The only bad bias then is bias against universals, which is to say biases that harm universalising particulars.

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Summerling of Domains from Resurrexit Spiritus

The best that can be achieved in alleviating bad bias, i.e. bias destructive of universals, is through the elevation of the Spirit and its insistence upon universal principles. Any attempt at removing bias generally is impossible, besides its basic flaw in crippling the scientific process. The reaction will be decisive and can only make the bias worse, because individuals will always be inherently biased toward whatever is perceived as best, however bad that perception may be.

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The conversation of Spirit typically turns around its loss to modern science, however the more egregious sin may be the less discussed and more original loss of truth and knowledge to Spirit. This is to say the real damage to science happened when Art, including those religious and cultural Arts, stopped being concerned about aligning with truth. Of course the sciences will be overrun by unspiritual people when a majority of spiritual philosophies people grow up with have long since given up on truth as a guideline, which is to say science. Science is now ‘secularised,’ which just means practitioners pretend to mind their ‘own business’ no matter the madness that prevails in religion. Unfortunately, this has also ostracised any philosophy outside of the modern so-called ‘humanism’ that attends secular philosophy.

To move toward universals is to dispossess the self, but it cannot be done alone, and must be done through the particular. The idea that optimal science is performed by a removal of bias is a master lie. It is a master lie for the damage that it inflicts. It causes so much damage because it has the lustre of truth, but it is not truth. The ejection of egoism is merely the aping of self-dispossession, however it is mimicry only. The quest for an artificial and non-universal neutrality, or forced “equality,” will ironically only create still greater imbalance.

Cogitatoris Erit, the Thinker Becomes, implies the spiritual growth that is universalising self-dispossession. True self-dispossession only comes at the expense of honest introspection and the development of virtues, in the dispensing of materiality and moving desires. Stepping through this barrier is impossible by any other means but the internal alignment toward Reason, universalisation (Roe 2023c). This is because self-dispossession is the grace apparent in the cultivation of virtues, which is to say Reason itself. A philosopher self-dispossess in order to assist in the universalising of the particular, because that is graceful Reason. There is no way to fake Reason, and being habitually critical of tradition is no shortcut but simple and stupid destruction for its own sake. The next article explores the corporatist origins of ‘Critical Theory’ through Marx’s consanguineous imperial paymasters.

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Roe, M. A. (2023a). Complete Freedom series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceComplete Freedom part 1 – The Unicorn of Philosophy | Complete Freedom part 2 – A Philosophical Definition

Roe, M. A. (2023b). Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceCorporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 1 – Material Idealism | Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 2 – Delusions of Control

Roe, M. A. (2023c). Resurrexit Spiritus series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceResurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System

Roe, M. A. (2024a). Manteic Ontology and Theory of Mind series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Roe, M. A. (2024b). Terminal Societal Cancer. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Wells, S. D. (2023, January 7). GASLIGHTING: Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it. NaturalNewshttps://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-07-fda-claims-never-opposed-ivermectin.html

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previous articles in series:

“What is sure about me, I am not a Marxist.”
– Karl Marx

“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.”
– Carroll Quigley (favourite teacher of Bill Clinton)

“You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
– Andrew Jackson, as he proceeded to close the second national bank of the US.

Image is a slave to the idea as material is slave to Spirit. This means that if Spirit is important, the material must be held to the highest expectations possible. What is represented by a corporation? What is the Spirit that underlies a corporation other than the people who work there? Why do they get no say in the direction these fictional entities take?


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Corporations are an inherently evil method of organisation (Roe 2023). This makes sense historically since the model of corporations today began as the structure of colonialism. The existence of the corporate fictional identity in contrast to the represented grouping of actual people form a unique human social dynamic that generationally liquidates any other identities. It is by design, colonial and oppressive. This is due to the manipulation of natural functions of generational lifestyle adaptations in human populations (Roe 2024a). These are typically the present identities based in cultures that naturally evolve and persist in healthy human society. Inflationary central bankers and their corporate minions determine the direction of culture by pilfering from everyone. They can be expected to take over the media with a cultural agenda of conformation to their needs. They manage differences between people within the population to stop organisation against themselves. Amazon’s Whole Foods chain has been caught redhanded admitting to this in internal communications (Peterson 2020). Instead of fighting the corporations, the labour unions are stuck managing the more detached workforce, the harder work of organising forced upon them by corporatist machinations (Ferguson 2016).

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These are all the same basic practices of the British imperialism and colonialism as inspired by the Romans. The Romans themselves engaged in religious wars which would culturally ‘tenderise’ entire groups with ecumenical propaganda so they could be more easily conquered later. This pattern is well-established throughout history. After conquering a land, it was common practice for empires to move portions of the population to other lands and then move strangers into those people’s homes. The USSR, British Empire, Ottomans, Holy Roman Empire, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, and now this modern invisible corporatist empire share this in common. They all move people around like pawns to weaken them, and destroy any other sources of power.


Billionaire-level wealth never occurred of singular efforts alone, of course, everybody knows this but, further, they never occur anymore without approval from the trillionaires. It could be argued that this basic arrangement has always been the case throughout history. There was a time when billionaires were called kings and the trillionaires were simply the emperors. So they can still be referred to as such.

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The trillionaire emperors have an insane amount of power, through control of billionaire monarchies. The emperors centralise industries into feudal courts and carefully select these monarchs, i.e. managers. Vassal princeps can lose everything if they do not operate by the rules of the emperors. So corporatism can be reasonably described as a satanic empire acting against people. These possessive corporations are contravening natural and spiritual selection.

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Each “individual” corporate body is actually a lot like a demonic possession. The fictional identity forces the body of the organisation to act in ways never volunteered by the overwhelming majority of represented individuals. The demon possessing an organisation is centrally manipulated by the largest corporate conglomerates playing the role of the ‘Satan,’ from the Hebrew for ‘great enemy of God.’ In this case, corporatism and its agents are the great enemies of humanity and our natural destiny.

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Whole generations have been trained to support cultural regression. This regression has been designed to fit corporate profit, not health and best wellness needs, the needs that matter. An employee’s life is only as valuable as they are to the corporate bottom-line. This includes dictation of religious development through corporatist funding and special loan programs to churches.

Their solutions and fixes amount to simple destruction. This is what degradation looks like. They make matters worse by promoting mental disorders to spiritually-broken people (Roe 2024b). This has been done through various forms of media over the last few decades now. However, it is blatantly obvious that this is a corporate project of encouraging dysfunction in society. There is nothing natural about castrating mentally ill children and calling it a “movement,” least of all its corporate-funded formation. People so fooled lose all other identities but the deconstructive one. All this “movement” has actually accomplished is the dispossession of women from their role and power in society, and further divided the labour pool.


Many are led to believe a corporate Utopia of maximum efficiency will naturally resolve. This happens if enough people forget their diverse cultures and become automatons to a common corporate dead non-culture. They have created the most current version of this script in close coordination with artificial intelligence tools. Fortunately, they work with flawed data.

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Hubristically they cut themselves off with the attempt to encapsulate the Universe inside a simple paradigm for pertinent data, as determined by flawed humans with limited insight. They think they are being innovators or breaking the mould. In fact, they confirm the mould of corporatism, identical to a purified evil imperialism operated on stolen money, as it is. This novel form of material imperialism engages in all the same manipulation of past empires. The goal is to make people more malleable to international interests, and less connected to their own.

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The goal of corporatism is conformation of everything to itself, the stockholders; corporatism values the maximisation of profit over all. This amounts to neutralisation of any efforts or goals incoherent with the overriding bottomline. This is as should be expected naturally of any overpowered fictional organisations. This must entail compromising any other means of organisation or mutuality on the parts of the workers.

Corporatism is neo-colonialism in which invested corporate power is sovereign and guaranteed by the emperor. The British Emperors, however, dared not even use the title, in deference to the Colonial corporate powers. These corporations were experts at deculturation, having literally created it. The point of the original corporations within colonialism was to manage the population, the natives and colonials (Roe 2024c). In India, for instance, the British Empire would exterminate entire religions and groups of people, for the benefit of corporate profit, which was as good as serving the empire itself.

To this end, the corporations naturally promote a plurality of identities safe for themselves alternative to whatever might be primary to the region, most especially among their labour pool. The corporations lobby more effectively when any worker commonality is destroyed. Worker cooperation competes with corporate control, and that cannot be allowed. The more alienated the populace becomes from itself, the more profitable and easier to control they are for demoralising corporatism. This is to say that disempowering the populace allows them to get away with more crime.


The anti-nativist tendencies of these extractive corporations are even more pronounced after decades of funding genocidal political ideologies and terroristic entities on all sides. This is because those ideologies become self-perpetuating. When the proceeding generations of corporate-grown genocidal ideologies then come to dominate the corporations themselves, corporatism takes on its final purely evil form, genocidal imperialism. Corporations bankrolled the genocides and cultural destruction committed upon the Chinese populace. What has the cruel deculturation of China done besides stultify the Chinese Spirit and force those people into an abject slavery to international corporatism?

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I contend that most of the deepest divides that occur between honest and legitimate scientists originate with corporate malfeasance. Many well-meaning scientists trust illegitimate scientists whose careers are trained to corporate interests. None are aware of this, perceiving their educational direction as natural rather than due to monied influence, which is to say corporatist, creating multiple avenues of anti-nativist pressure throughout the culture (Roe 2023).


Meanwhile whole areas of research lay dormant due to the anti-majority political ideologies that have been forced into power over academia by corporatism. In the USA, this is done through multi-billion dollar corporate tax-haven foundations and publishers. The areas of research the bankrollers forbid should clarify intentions perfectly. Corporate entities bankroll anti-majority propaganda, which is most often anti-nativist, wherever they are. Marx was a strong advocate for the destruction of all traditional cultures. These corporate forces never stopped, they just brought it home through Marx’s ideology. While Marx himself may have been complimentary of certain Western cultures, his followers obviously were not.

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This anti-majority agenda has killed whole fields of research deemed “inappropriate,” as though society were filled with children needing to be redirected. Marx claimed to have proposed “Critical Theory” for the improvement of mankind by ending “capitalist” oppression from every sector. However all it has done is led to more oppression, under the same emperors as then. The fraud perpetrated by Marxist “Critical Theorists” is a revitalised version of an ancient strategy to destroy the history of people in order to destroy the people, called cultural genocide (Paludan-Müller 2022). This is a common strategy used in war, for the eradication of people.


The astounding career of Laurence Waddell and his theories are waved away without any explanations, other than being considered “racist” in outcome because they contradict the opinions of powerful interests (Moshenska 2010). Waddell was an exceptionally gifted scientist wholly devoted to his craft. He deserves far greater respect than he is given. His opinions and scholarship were considered impeccable while publishing findings of the long lost ancient sites he discovered. However, based upon certain of his conclusions, he is now completely ignored for political expedience. Is this because there was too much truth to be learned from his writings?

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An example of this is the fact that biological and physical anthropology are forbidden as “racist,” with little more than historical whining about past grievances and hurt feelings (Blakey 2021) that have absolutely nothing to do with the science or its legitimate value. Is our history worth learning and preserving? Feelings and emotions are not supposed to be part of this. This is harm to science, and harm to the preservation of our history and culture. It is plainly propaganda to do harm to the science and culture, but why is it done? Is a war being fought by these corporatist entities against the first industrialised nations? What is wrong with coming to conclusions that make some people uncomfortable or investigating ancestors in a phylogenic manner the way it is done with all other lifeforms?

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For instance, homo Floresiensis was phylogenically connected to homo Habilis using physical anthropological methods (Argue 2017). It is acceptable to do it in hominids but not in more recent human ancestors? Why do people feel this way about simple data? This is not logical. Of course, anyone convinced by Waddell’s theories is simply misled because of an alignment with Waddell’s supposed bad character or ill intentions. Corporatist-aligned political opinions make a person better at scientific review, somehow (Moshenska 2010).

Interestingly, the same power-hungry colonialist corporatism that originally funded the first efforts in anthropology now fund propaganda and efforts against physical anthropology to the point of it being a practically dead science. The only reason for this is destruction of any basis for worker organisation outside the artificial constructs of corporatism. They want to erase common identity. It is an unannounced war against the peasants of the technocratic corporatist-controlled nations. Everyone so brainwashed is a pawn in it. It already destroyed so much of Chinese, Eastern European, and Asian cultures. Once this anti-majority corporatist engine of critique finishes its rampage throughout the West, Muslim nations, and Japan, it will continue on the same path everywhere, until no cultures are left. Who will survive when the corporatist agents pit starving masses against one another? What part of this is civilised?


Marx’s theories were put to corporatist use in USSR and China to legitimise cultural and physical genocides. Marx was a paid agent and cousin of the corporatist-banker, Lionel de Rothschild (Gelles 2021). Another of Marx’s cousins and friends was Heinrich Heine, who was a close friend of another important Rothschild family member. Heinrich famously bragged that Lionel was “the King of England and Ireland” (Knapp 1999), which was to say Emperor. Did Marx actually risk his cousins’ own “capitalism” with his plan to destroy traditional culture? Would they have suffered him to live or keep the money if they believed that? Or were these nothing more than imperialist bluffs in prelude to genocide and deculturation?

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As brother-in-law to the spymaster of the Prussia, Marx was deeply imbedded in the corporatist state whose dismantling he claimed to desire. To wit, the “workers of the world unite” credo is a reversal of Marx’s actual intent of harming the nascent worker’s movements of the time. What more value could he have offered his benefactor cousins than redirecting worker anger to bring about the ultimate corporatist dream of totally centralised economic domination? And in the meantime, it could create profitable wars for corporatist bankers and topple governments in order to force changes.


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Marx advocated for the deculturation of Asia and India away from their “old Asiatic” ways. Marx’s spiteful desire for China was fulfilled by Mao’s Culture Revolution. Mao’s support from the corporatists confirms this, despite the active efforts to delegitimise this knowledge in the West as a “conspiracy theory” (Gardáš 2021). Marx was an agent of corporatism, sowing a malleable ideology to replace anti-corporatist perspectives. What was going to unite the workers? His book? Criticism? Yes, at least that is what he claimed.


Hegel would be appalled.

The quote at the beginning of this article was the truth coming out in jest. Marx was not a Marxist, but he was a duplicitous corporatist imperialist and unapologetically pompous elitist. All of his theories should be expelled as the corporatist distortions of proper Hegelian theory they are. Hegel would be appalled by the evils Marxism and corporatism have wrought upon the World.


Low economic status is the least similar of any commonality, it is a negative attribute, the lack of something. Immediate criticism of anything traditional is also a negative attribute, the disinterest toward ideas. Across the board, secularisation and critique have been the themes all academics are required to apply if they expect to be taken seriously.

Culture of the West has been treated as non-existent and unnecessary at best. All this critique has done is stripped the industrialised nations of cultural vibrancy (Gutmann 2010). Corporate media then mocks the culture incessantly for being bland or stupid. Not only is this mockery promoted as acceptable in society but encouraged (Hughes 2015). This is so cruel. It has escalated to the point of identity deprivation in youth, where they seek new dangerous identities (Gutmann 2010; Yusoufzai 2017) or generate artificial identities based upon selfish and demeaning sexual practices (Eberstadt 2019; Sigusch 2004). The investment in Marx has paid off many times over by now.

“Corporatism is colonialism eating itself, consuming its own boundaries in order to enslave the World.”


Marx’s plans for a massive centralised international government perfectly serves the interests of these corporatist emperors. Surely serendipity found them and it was merely coincidence their goals aligned so well. Nearly 200 years later, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a tiny well-funded orchestration arm for a project of World strangulation through corporatist entities and their controlled governments. This implementation is oddly similar to Marx’s original plan, except managed through corporations. This is to be accomplished not by workers but through machinations of corporatist agents who just happen to be relatives of the emperors, like Marx.

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So then the Marxist project of deculturation and “Critical Theory,” is actually imperialist corporate propaganda that is explicitly genocidal in outcome and origins. The point of the entire project is destroying any basis for organisation for workers. However the deculturation of people is the preparation for replacement. In no uncertain terms, this is identical to the actions of past empires as they prepared for genocide.

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Corporatist funded educational institutions do not train people to be unbiased, but dishonestly self-deculturating. What good has the spread of Marxism done if the World is more dominated by monied interests than ever? If Marxist-aligned activists truly desired to fight tyranny, they would attack billionaires, instead of receiving paycheques from such organisations to riot and disrupt elections (Pomper 2022).

These same corporate super-structures fund academia throughout the West. That simple fact alone should give everybody pause. These corporations were built upon the backs of the same people they now aggressively pursue in degrading every facet of being. The corporations disrupt free speech, with any conveniently available excuse, as they demonise the good, glorify evil, and create disorder. The point is to leave the people powerless and beholden to the corporations.

Corporatism is the overgrowth of colonial corporate power in a retro-colonisation, which is silencing of the original critics and possibly the only people that could have stopped it. Corporatism is colonialism eating itself, consuming its own boundaries in order to enslave the World. Anyone that resists must be destroyed. However, these evil corporations will be known for what they are, that is through actions. People must wake up.


Argue, D., Groves, C. P., Lee, M. S. Y., & Jungers, W. L. (2017). The affinities of Homo floresiensis based on phylogenetic analyses of cranial, dental, and postcranial characters. Journal of Human Evolution107, 107–133. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.02.006

Blakey, M. L. (2021). Understanding racism in physical (biological) anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology175(2), 316–325. doi:10.1002/ajpa.24208

Eberstadt, M. (2019). Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created Identity Politics (First edition). Templeton Press.

Ferguson, J.-P. (2016). Racial Diversity and Union Organizing in the United States, 1999–2008. ILR Review69(1), 53–83. doi:10.1177/0019793915602253

Gardáš, D. (2021). The Rothschilds and the PRC: Banking, Financial and Other Interactions between the Red Shield Dynasty and the Red China Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts – Dissertation. https://is.muni.cz/th/mscxq/?lang=en

Gelles, E. (2021). The Jewish Journey: A Passage through European Historyhttps://www.bloomsbury.com/us/jewish-journey-9781350241701/

Gutmann, D. (2010, November 1). Deculturation and Its Discontents. The American Interesthttps://www.the-american-interest.com/2010/11/01/deculturation-and-its-discontents/

Hughes, J. (2015, February 6). How Many White People Does It Take to Ruin a Good Joke? The New Republichttps://newrepublic.com/article/120916/white-people-are-co-opting-black-peoples-jokes-about-white-people

Knapp, L. (1999). Dostoevsky’s ‘The Idiot’: A Critical Companionhttps://nupress.northwestern.edu/9780810115330/dostoevskys-the-idiot

Moshenska, G. (2010). ‘At Variance With Both General and Expert Opinion’: The Later Works of Lieutenant-Colonel Professor Laurence Austine Waddell. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology20(1), Article 1. doi:10.5334/bha.20106

Paludan-Müller, C. (2022). The Geopolitical Context of Cultural Heritage Destruction. In C. Finkelstein, D. Gillman, & F. Rosén (Eds.), The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War (p. 0). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780197610565.003.0015

Peterson, H. (2020, April 25). Amazon-owned Whole Foods is quietly tracking its employees with a heat map tool that ranks which stores are most at risk of unionizing. Business Insiderhttp://archive.today/2020.04.21-061718/https://www.businessinsider.com/whole-foods-tracks-unionization-risk-with-heat-map-2020-1

Pomper, S. (2022). George Soros Pledges to Keep Funding Pro-Criminal, Anti-Police Prosecutors, National Police Association. National Police Association. https://nationalpolice.org/george-soros-pledges-to-keep-funding-pro-criminal-anti-police-prosecutors/

Roe, M. A. (2023). Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceCorporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 1 – Material Idealism | Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 2 – Delusions of Control

Roe, M. A. (2024a). Excess Teenage Rebellion and Inflation – Proposing Twin Theories of Generational Panic and Lifestyle Deterioration Signalling. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Roe, M. A. (2024b). Manteic Ontology and Theory of Mind series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Roe, M. A. (2024c). Terminal Societal Cancer. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Sigusch, V. (2004). On cultural transformations of sexuality and gender in recent decades. German Medical Science : GMS e-Journal2, Doc07.

Yusoufzai, K., & Emmerling, F. (2017). How identity crisis, relative deprivation, personal characteristics, and empathy contribute to the engagement of Western individuals in Islamist terrorist behavior. Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations8(1), Article 1. doi:10.15664/jtr.1292



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“When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind.”
– Seneca

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
– Aristotle

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”
– Socrates

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
– Jung

“The ignorant man is not free, because what confronts him is an alien world, something outside him and in the offing, on which he depends, without his having made this foreign world for himself and therefore without being at home in it by himself as in something his own. The impulse of curiosity, the pressure for knowledge, from the lowest level up to the highest rung of philosophical insight arises only from the struggle to cancel this situation of unfreedom and to make the world one’s own in one’s ideas and thought.”
– Hegel

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is power; mastering yourself is true strength.”
– Lao Tzu

The post-Plandemic liberal resurgence is to occur through a culturally-aware Spirit. Distributism serves as the economic engine of its ascendance, giving powers back into the hands of workers, individuals, and allowing communities to once again flourish in a sustainable manner. This is to be a liberalism for all times, liberalism of the Spirit that focuses upon the internal awakening in alignment with culture, the Artistic product of Spirit. Those spiritually awakened easily recognise the truth in the twinned goals of conservation and progress, Reason and Creation.

All corporations actively deculturate their workers. They are the same corporations as created under colonial powers. Lifeless husks, remnants of imperial powers that now serve no purpose but to assure our enslavement. The obvious solution is to replace them within each nation, and strangle them through eventual international minimisation.


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Where there is nothing within the society for objective evaluations, introduced novelties are random and value cannot be reasonably determined. This is especially true with the introduction of systematic incompatibilities and the resultant randomised static. The deconstruction of evaluation is the underlying goal for most corporatist messaging, which allows for the import of unlimited novelty. Anybody evaluating novelties is castigated and scorned as evil by these singular-minded deculturised victims. This basic foundation is terrible enough in politics but it is a disaster of monumental proportions for the purposes of science.


Contradicting a thought or idea is much more difficult than accepting or ignoring it. This can take a tremendous amount of courage and willpower. Every science should be directed by individuals capable of courage and willpower. Such individuals as capable of this courage and willpower are truly honest and in emotional control. People prove capable of true Reason by its expression through virtues.


A scientist must be free and capable of assigning value. Without the ability to assign value, a scientist is just a servant to interests external to the self and self-interest. Such a servant is unable to determine importance and provide the focus necessary to properly innovate. Science becomes aimless without the guiding light of absolute Spirit, that is in Art, most importantly of culture, religion, and philosophy.

Perverse sciences result from practice of “pure” method and formula without meaning. Meaning for an individual is only derived through reflective self-development. False meaning is based in whatever trivialities over which the individual happens to obsess. This is often what they have been convinced is most important through propaganda. This is observable in the scientific community. Those obsessed in selfish identities tend to produce trivial science based upon current trends in propaganda, or wherever else the corporatist dollar directs.

This also explains why, in many countries, there are unhealthy people placed in positions responsible for determining what is healthy for others. Such are prone to the same faults of outsiderness alienation. There are no expectations in terms of virtues for any of the corporatist sciences.

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In the case of an individual detecting some proteins using a scientific instrument, that is the finding. It cannot tell anything about what it is or what it was. Scientists go to accepted and “tested” theory to understand the dynamism of interaction. Without philosophy and theory, Creation along with Reason, there is no way of knowing what is causal or simply caused and correlative. Creation and Reason are reality, and so this makes sense.

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It is encouraging for a scientist to have it all spelled out in a nice narrative, but the depth of theory is forever limited by the capability of imagination and grounding in reality. The presence of all pieces with a nice narrative connecting them together does not prove anything. All they suggest is that a pattern or correlation has been observed.


In spiritual and cultural terms, “reproducibility” is about as meaningful as saying something is reproducible. The Spirit behind culture is about what is not reproducible, the product of the efforts revelatory of the true self. There is no reproducibility in systems that are not rational to humanity, and no accounting of possibly false causative correlations in the parts of reality that are not observable. All that can be determined of what is within comes from observations of externalities, which is to say outcomes (Roe 2024b). Experimental design cannot account for unseen confounding factors. Human perception is based on what was necessary for ancestors to survive, not the known universe in absolute perfection.

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Many theories are taken for granted, based upon faith. Primarily this is because the officially defined narratives appear to align with observations and there are not better explanations. All the correlative observations of a phenomenon could still be indicating an as yet missing causative force without actually causing one of the effects itself. Any of the effects could be a largely unrelated side-effect of whatever mechanisms are actually at play.


The modern epistemology has led to the proposition that science is like a recipe, with individual scientists as replaceable cogs. The thought is that anybody can be trained in the techniques and then perform whatever science. This is nonsense.

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The idea that a person unreflective of the self could contribute to the understanding of the Universe is absurd on its face. Attempting to artificially remove bias only allows an excuse for the only bias left, money or material wealth. It is a false replication of enlightened self-dispossession. The problem is no science is possible without bias.

All ‘life science’ has Life bias, for example. It should anyway but should society achieve no bias in things, there would be no bias toward Life generally, and the result is inevitable death. Life deserves bias, as it is our origin. Replacing those interactions of our origin is fiddling with the divine. Transhumanism is evil.


Humanity is not to be saved from mortality by immortality, but damned by it. Make no mistakes, artificial immortality is the death of humanity. Those who move further away from Life, which is to say their origin, become detached. Those desperate to maintain their material attachment to this World are destined to harm Life, if given the opportunity to do so.

People disown their moral determination because they are trained from youth in public education as corporate citizens long before they are trained as scientists. They have given over their right to judge, as promoted in the sciences with relativism. Everything is relative, so that nothing is absolute or sincere and all things are open to debate, without any guiding Reason or moderation. This mindset might be sustainable at the present moment but in the longterm, with genetic engineering and transhumanism, people are going to have to make a decision which side of this argument they stand: that of biological conservatism or special extermination.

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The nature of the real World can only be accurately described by someone experienced in self-mastery and adept in culture. Science is not reality but the best current description of the observable nature. It is nonsensical to define a fictitious nature without us. Instead, true humanity is allowing the reality of nature in actuality to inform and define us within our knowledge, all science. This is the absolute expression of humanity but one must examine lived human life to accurately reflect upon it and describe it. This is not done by corporatist servants, but philosophers.

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There are less virulent strains of corporatism, just as there are more beneficial elements of various socialist ideologies. However, in all cases, the trend toward benefit is identical in focus. The beneficial focus for Life-functional human beings is in empowerment and determination, identical with cooperative intentions. The goal of every healthy and wise human being should be relatively similar, so too there could only be one goal in the purposeful disruption of the spiritual process: corporatist destruction of humanity.

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What is this modern obsession for newer references? The supposed purpose in requiring newer sources is to guarantee the freshest and most robust ideas. However, it rarely does this, and, for many sciences, has a tendency to do the exact opposite. In many sciences there are entire domains of investigation that continue to be ignored not because they proved of little value. This is partly due to being strangled by a lack of “up to date” references exploring the topics. Could this requirement be doing more harm than benefit? How can ignored topics be uncovered from older research if it is never read? This is exactly the point of requiring “up to date” sources.

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Could it be that such a low threshold for significant correlation in genetic studies is a symptom of some underlying basic misconceptions about DNA and its proposed mechanical relationships to genetics and gene theory? With manipulation of the physical DNA, humanity enters a stage of self-ordained godhood. The problem here is that godhood presumes mastery of reality and humanity is only now beginning to understand DNA and genetics, or their relationships to reality, material, and consciousness. We have barely grasped reality and the nature of consciousness. We are supposed to believe that everything has been decided and we can hang up the towel? Lies.

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The human consciousness can somehow just be encapsulated into data on a computer, according to popular science fiction (Roe 2023a). Is it true that if the human experience can be fundamentally changed by technology and genetic engineering, it should be so necessarily? This is flawed reasoning since the primary apparatus of mind has an intrinsic connection to the nature of reality that is perfectly unqualifiable by humans. This does not mean that we cannot know that it is there, it simply means that the strength and character is completely immanent. This means that it can only be known by the quality of the works that are produced by the mind so oriented.

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A true global liberalism should be concerned with freedom of the maximum number of people. It is honouring culture and allying philosophies that contribute to complete freedom (Roe 2024a). Freedom comes from within mechanisms of universalisation in context of ones own lived culture. Philosophy must be encouraged. Spirituality and moderation must be encouraged. Cooperatives must be promoted.

Freedom requires special plans for every nation specific to their needs. Everything must be customised and tailored to optimally interact with their extant culture and legacies therein, which embody various traditions. These plans obviously could not include the mass importation of populations into other nations, where they are outsiders. Such actions would be aimed purely at fomenting chaos and war, which is the most anti-liberal, disruptive, and destructive thing for cultures, as well as being exceedingly imperialist.

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This is the call for a New Renaissance. It requires a truly philosophical liberalism founded upon the elevation of Spirit through humanity’s natural domain of activated culture in meritocratic cooperation (Roe 2023b). Preceding every successful revolt is also a shift economically, however, and so the plan requires an economic engine of revolution. Wise scholars created a system of economics that has already proven successful both practically and for the empowerment of workers. These successes include worker-owned cooperatives and credit unions.



Distributism is simply a method of economic management in societies that replaces state and public corporations with individual units locally organised by the stakeholders (Roe 2024a). This is economic revolution that can be implemented now in coordination with standing communities. Cooperatives are strong, resilient, ideal for workers, and responsive to customers (Roe 2024a).



Bias toward the worst is a betrayal of the best, as it degenerates the natural order. The destruction of order is precisely what the corporations have been aiming to do, and so any compatible biases are immediately pro-corporation. This is the return of honesty. The problem is alienated critique, which only seeks to destroy its target for the sake of destruction. Only within as part of it can an idea change a particular, and only true universalising is Good, which is identical to societal health in fact.


  1. Bias is endemic, things are only knowable through the perspective of identity. Removal of bias is impossible in itself, as it is the attempt at removal of self or identity, artificial dispossession. Detriment implies malice and bad bias, regardless any lies. Identity is not something that can be replaced. Anybody who pretends otherwise has ulterior motives, most likely decultural, and therefore genocidal.
  2. Honesty or dishonesty are the only potential options with bias. Ownership of bias is admittance to honesty. Attempting to disown bias is admittance to dishonesty. There is no middle-path in the matter here. Either a person is honestly biased or dishonestly “unbiased.”
  3. Philosophers must own bias toward Life and wisdom. A scientist cannot contribute to science without being a philosopher and embodying a legacy, or selection of traditions. Bias toward Life can only occur through a particular, a society, or not at all.
  4. “Unbiased” is not a valid term and implies materialism, as avarice is the lowest common denominator of biases.
  5. Bias toward Life is bias toward wisdom, which is to say culture and Spirit.
  6. Wisdom is bias toward the elements of self and society that allow wisdom.
  7. All wisdom is representational and exists through initiation.
  8. Therefore wisdom is based in reality with bias builtin.

Scientists who are not philosophers first are like the scientific tools at their disposal, the trappings without the soul. Philosophically, there must be an origination in order to find destination. Obfuscation of origination defeats the destination.


Roe, M. A. (2023a). Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceCorporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 1 – Material Idealism | Corporations Promote Profitable Sins as Virtues part 2 – Delusions of Control

Roe, M. A. (2023b). Resurrexit Spiritus series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceResurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System

Roe, M. A. (2024a). Cooperate! series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

Roe, M. A. (2024b). Manteic Ontology and Theory of Mind series. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. To Be Published.

previous articles in series: